Witch Fight

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Regina POV:

After me and Emma had struck at Drizella and Gothel, I wasn't expecting either of us to have our magic. But whatever the case it was going to be useful in defeating these two. I then told Emma to take care of Gothel while I dealt with Drizella. It shouldn't be to hard to take her down because she doesn't know how to use magic in an unpredictable place like what we do. This also meant that we could use this to our advantage. As soon as I went to attack Drizella, she attempted to strike with her magic but both Drizella and Gothel were struggling to use their powers.

Drizella POV:

I tried to strike at Regina with my powers but it was hopeless. Gothel couldn't use her magic either. Then Regina said if you can't use magic in this realm properly if you don't know how otherwise it can be unpredictable. It was as if she was trying to put me off attacking her but I thought of all people, the evil queen would love a good witch fight. They were right when other villains have said she has gone soft over the years. I kept trying to strike them but my magic just wouldn't work. Then all of a sudden, Regina got close enough and ripped out my heart.

Regina POV:

After I ripped Drizella's heart out of her chest, my first instinct was to crush it. However, I can't do that because that is not what heroes do. Then Hook told me to use it to our advantage to find out why they wanted the saviour to get rid of her magic to save Henry. I'm guessing that Drizella hadn't protected her heart to stop others from controlling her, so I did exactly what Hook said. When I told her to tell me why they wanted us to get rid of our magic, Drizella then said that without me and Emma having our powers, they could defeat us and carry out their plan. But they couldn't do their plan until they had gotten rid of the heroes so that they wouldn't interfere with their plan.

Emma POV:

As I was trying to fight Gothel, I noticed Regina was able to rip Drizella's heart out and was trying to get answers from her. Eventually Drizella told her the plan while Regina still had hold of her heart. She said that they were trying to summon the witches of the dead so that they can take over all of the realms and get rid of all of the heroes. While Gothel was distracted, I put a cuff on her arm to stop her using her magic just in case she does figure out how to use it. Then I used normal handcuffs and told the others I would take her to the prison as I still had my sheriff badge.

Hook POV:

After Emma had taken Gothel to prison, I could tell that Drizella was getting on Regina's nerves and that she wanted to crush her heart. I then said to Regina that even if we get her put in jail, she will just find some way to escape and get back to her plan. The only way to stop her was to crush her heart. But then I said that we should wait for Emma and see if she agrees. So, in the meantime, we cuffed Drizella to the chair so that she couldn't escape or try to take her heart back. When Emma did get back, we both asked her what we should do with Drizella. Emma then said that Regina should crush her heart after everything that she has done and for trying to kill Henry. And with that Regina crushed Drizella's heart and as soon as it was crushed, Drizella was dead.

Again sorry if this seems rushed just trying to finish this fan fiction.

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