An Evil Queen and a Pirate

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Hook POV:

Now I know Regina is awake from this curse and she knows I am to, now would be a perfect opportunity to team up and find out who Belfry was in the Enchanted Forest and what she is planning. Then I can continue my search to find Emma once we have taken down Belfry. However, I couldn't say anything then because Lucy was still stood with us and we can't let on that we have woken from the curse.

Regina/Roni POV:

Not long after I realised that Hook was awake from the curse, Jacinda came into my bar looking for Lucy. It was probably good timing because me and Killian had to figure out who cursed us because even though we know who we are, someone has taken our memories. That can only mean that they don't want anyone to find out what happened in the Enchanted Forest and find Emma. My first thought is that maybe Belfry is holding Emma captive somewhere in Hyperion Heights. I wanted to get Henry to help in the search but I just realised that he doesn't even remember that I am his mother and same goes for Emma. He seems to think that she is just a character he illustrated for his book.

Hook POV:

I could tell something was bothering Regina so I asked her what was wrong and she told me about Henry not remembering us or Emma and how he thinks that she is just a character he created for his book that he wrote. It was then that I said to Regina that we can still get Henry to help just tell him that we are searching for a blonde woman who is called Emma but don't tell him her last name because he will probably not believe us.

Regina POV:

When Killian told me that we could still ask him to help us search for Emma, I knew straight away that it could work. But we would also have to find out as much as we can about his book because it could be about the missing years in the Enchanted Forest. So, I said to Hook that I will ask Henry for a copy of his book before we start searching for Emma because maybe it can give us clues on where she is and if she's still alive for a matter of fact. Hook agreed to what I said and then I went out to find Henry.

Leaving this chapter here. Sorry took so long to update. Ill try to be quicker with the next chapter.

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