Zelena's Return

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Hook POV:

After the book had revealed that if we break the curse and Henry dies, I had no idea what the next move was. I was just hoping that Regina did because once we can break the curse without Henry dying, we can then continue our search for Emma. I asked her if there was anyone that could help us to do this. She said that there was one person who could help break the curse and keep Henry alive. She told me that the person was Zelena. I then remembered that I haven't seen Zelena anywhere in Hyperion Heights.

Regina POV:

When Hook had said he hadn't seen Zelena anywhere in Hyperion Heights, that's because Belfry kicked her out of Hyperion Heights a long time ago. Luckily for us I know exactly where she is. She is in San Francisco. I said to Hook that we should go there and use the last of the memory potion and make her remember who she really is. Hopefully then we can find a way to break the curse without Henry dying. I then realised I would need someone to look after the bar and I knew Henry would be able to. So, I called him and he agreed. Not long after that, me and Hook started to make our way to San Francisco one he had arrived at the bar.


Hook POV:

We had finally arrived in San Francisco. I didn't know it here at all so I was just hoping that Regina does. I asked her what sort of place we were looking for and she just told me to keep an eye out for a gym. It didn't take long before we found it. However, when we went inside the only reason we were able to get inside was by taking some cycling class. What surprised me the most when I got there was that Zelena was running the class which I found quite hilarious but also very strange to see.

Regina POV:

I could tell Hook was not very please that we had to take this class in order to get in but it was in fact the only way to get in. I also knew that he found it amusing what the curse did to Zelena but I told him to be serious about it other wise the plan to make her remember who she is might not work. We stopped talking when we realised the class was about to start. I just told Hook to pretend that he's enjoying the class.

Hook POV:

Once the session was finally over, we waited until everyone else had left the room. Regina asked Zelena how the classes were going etc. trying to make small talk while I pour the last of the memory potion into Zelena's drink. After I had done pouring it, I handed it over to her and she drank it. When she finished her drink, Regina was asking her if she remembers anything about a curse and being a fairy tale character. Zelena thought we were crazy at first but then the potion kicked in because not long after she seemed to remember who she was. I'm now just hoping that she has the answer for breaking the curse without Henry dying.

Zelena POV:

When the memory potion worked, it took a moment for me to figure out that whoever cast the curse made me live as a hippie. I said to Regina that whoever did this to me was going to pay. I was just surprised to see Killian with her. I asked Regina if Killian was awake from the curse and apparently, he was. I asked him how he was awake. He told me that he was looking through Henry's book and when he saw Emma that was when he was awake from the curse. They then asked me if I had any idea how to break the curse without Henry dying because he was poisoned in the Enchanted Forest. They also explained everything else to me that had happened and when they did I knew what had to be done. The only way to break the curse without Henry dying is to defeat Gothel and Drizella.

I'm ending this here. Next chapter they will head back to Hyperion Heights and figure out how to defeat them. I am also trying to keep this as close to the show as possible but with my own twist. Don't forget to review.

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