Chapter 5 - Coffee Shop

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Ivy's POV -


I groan and roll over and shut off my alarm. 

I jump out off bed remembering I have a date with Ash at the coffee shop. So I jump in the shower and rush to get out. I'm so nervous. I'm going on a date with THE Ashley Purdy!

When I get out, I blow dry my hair and straighten it. I move onto putting on my light coat of makeup concealer, eyeliner, and mascara on. 

"Now what am I going to wear?" I mumble to myself. I picked white ripped skinny jeans, a black tank top, knee high boots. 

I grab my little book bag-purse thing, my keys, and my phone, and quietly walk out of my room. Now lets see how to get out of the house without getting caught.

I lean over the banister and look down into the living room. Mom and dad aren't there so they are probably in the kitchen. I slowly walk down the stairs keeping an eye out for the both of them. Then I hear talking and it's not coming from the kitchen. I sigh to myself. They are in the office and the office is right next to to front door.

I ran down the rest of the stairs, through the kitchen, and out the door. I hope they didn't hear me. 

- At Starbucks -

Ash isn't here yet so I might as well pick a table to sit at. But what if he doesn't come. He could probably care less. My parents are right I am a worthless piece of shit. 

Ash's POV -

I wonder what's wrong with Ivy? She was acting kind of strange after the concert, although I haven't known her for very long. I hope she is ok. She said she would tell me what's wrong last night. 

I pulled up to the coffee shop and got out of my car and walked in. I saw her at a table in the front corner, surrounded by windows. She looked a little upset. Man she is the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen.

Ivy's POV -

I was staring down at my phone until I heard Someone sit down in front of me. I look up to see Ash, he was resting his chin on his crossed arms. "Hello" I smiled. He had a small smile but overall he looked worried "whats wrong" I questioned, starting to get nervous. "Well you seemed a little upset last night When I asked about why were you acting so weird before you left the concert and you said that you would tell me today when we get coffee" he said, still resting his head on his folded arms. 

Dammit I thought he might forget "Well his won't be easy for me to say or for you to hear for that matter. But my parents verbally and physically abuse me." I said with a sigh while I put my head down. I looked back up at him and he looked at me wide eyed "Have you told anyone?" he said shocked tone. "No, But i'll be fine an-" "And you will not be fine, you need to tell someone" he said cutting me off. "But who am I going to tell? My parents will just beat me harder if someone finds out" I said sadly with tears welling up in my eyes. "You need to call the police, I wan-" "But where am I going to go after they get arrested? I don't have a job so I can't keep up with bills or house payments" I said cutting him off this time. "You can come live with me and the guy's and you can make friends with Alice, Juliet, Inna, and Anna" he said looking happy.

I thought about his words for a minute. "Are you sure? I don't want to intrude and where would I even stay" I said with a sigh. "You can stay in my room with me. And you won't intrude trust me" he said laughing to himself a little. "Ok if you say so. But when should I call the police?" I questioned in a concerned tone. "I don't know yet. But go home and think about it, pack your stuff up, and don't worry i'll help you through this" he said with a comforting smile. "Thank you, Ash" I said blushing a little. "Your welcome, now go home and start packing and i'll tell the guys you're moving in!" he said excitedly.

- Back At Home -

I get up to my room without being seen or heard surprisingly. I opened the door and shut and locked it behind me. In case I was herd of course.

I go to my closet and grab the two boxes that I usually hide behind. I label one of the boxes 'Bathroom Stuff' and the other 'Random crap', then I go and get my suitcase from under my bed for my clothes. I start with bathroom. First shampoo, conditioner, body wash, perfume, deodorant, my lady stuff *cough*periods*cough*cough*, flat iron, makeup, and hairbrush. 

Moving on to random crap. First into that box is jewelry, then a picture of mom and dad (when they were actually nice to me), my computer, chargers, headphones, my good luck charm witch is a little bottle filled with little pieces of turquoise, a worry rock that is pure amethyst, money, my CD's, and a sketchbook. Then I move onto packing my clothes.

Once i'm done with everything (which took about 5 hours) I fall into my bed for the last time and fall into a deep sleep.   

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