Chapter 12 - Off On Tour Again

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Ivy's POV -

I woke up to Andy yelling "Get your asses up and out of bed! We're all going back to warped tour!" me and Ash groan as Andy flies through the door screaming. Everyone comes down to the living room watching Andy. "Alice and Anna. You two will be on Inna's bus and Ivy you will be on our bus and Juliet you'll be on a bus with your band..." Andy trails off  "Now get your asses moving we leave at 5:00 PM and its 8:47 right now. Go! Go! Go!" Andy yells the last part. 

We all get up and scramble around the house to get ready and pack our bags. CC was going to get in the shower and got undressed with the door open again "CC! Move!" I yelled and pushed him out of the way and yanked the shower curtain open and got mine and Ash's shower stuff. I turned around seeing CC completely naked, I feel myself start to blush and run out of the bathroom into our room.

I think I better get used to that because i'm going to be on a bus with him for 3 months. Why did I have to be put on a bus with him? I mean I love the dude, but not like that. You know.

- Magical Time Skip to when the Buses are Here -

Ash and CC go straight to the back of the bus, there are only two bunks back there. So I take the top right bunk in the middle room, Andy is under me, Jake is next to me, and Jinxx is under Jake. When I got through the door to the back of the bus, Ash is in the left bunk and CC is already asleep in the right one. 'Let's go to the front' I mouth to Ash and he nods. 

I grab his hand as he closes the door to the back bunks and we head up to the front lounge. We sit down at the second table with Jinxx and Jake, Andy was also asleep. As I sit down I get a text from mine and the girls group chat.

(I = Ivy) (J = Juliet) (A = Alice) (IA = Inna) (AN = Anna)

J - Hows Andy? I'm already on the highway

I - We just left but Andy's already asleep

J - Ok, well tell him i'll call him later when he's up

I - Ok I will. Have a safe trip

J - You to love, cya at the venue

IA - Yeah how's Jake doing?

I - He's talking to Jinxx about the new album right now

IA - Ok tell him i'll text him later and i'm writing some new songs right now

I - Ok, I will bye! Love ya!

A - And hows Jinxx?

I - He was just talking to jake but just got up to go to the bathroom

A - Ok, well when he's out tell him I love him and miss him

I - I will. cya at the venue. Love ya!

A - Ok love you too!

AN - Hows CC? 

I - He passed out as soon as we got on the bus 

AN - Ok well tell him I love him when he wakes up. Have a good night girly love you!

I - Love you to and I will!

"Jake, Inna said that she would text you later and that she is writing some new songs right now!" I say as he nods and smiles back. I hear someone walk through the door from the bunks and I turn around to see Andy. 

"Oh Andy, Juliet said she would call you later and that she is already on the highway" I say also looking at Jinxx who just walked out of the bathroom "And Jinxx, Alice said that she already misses you and that she loves you" I say as they both smile at me. 

I turn back around to see Ash with his head resting on his arms with him asleep "Ashley Purdy" I say in a sing songy tone. He looked up at me with a tired look and a slight smile. I smile at his cuteness "Come on let's go to bed" I say. I grab his hand and pull him up and we walk through the bus all the way to the back of the bus. 

He takes off his shirt and shoes before laying down and I smile at his 'OUTLAW' tattoo. "Cuddle with me" he says looking at me with puppy dog eyes. "Ash you should really get some rest you have a show to play tonight" I say sounding like a mom. "Please" he says acting sad. "Fine" I say rolling my eyes and crawling over him. "Yay!" he says trying not to be to loud cause CC is still sleeping. 

I laugh and kiss him and he kisses back "I love you" I say smiling and pecking his lips once more. "I love you and I love boob pillows!" I laugh a he puts his head on my boob again. "What about boob pillows" CC says looking over at us tiredly. Me and Ash look at each other and laugh. Ash falls asleep and I drift into a nightmare.

- In the Nightmare - (A/N) Think about the music video In The End while reading the nightmare part.

I wake up in the middle on the middle of the desert and I look around and notice two tall shadow like figures with horns on their heads and what looks to be a metal staff with some kind of symbol on top. I turn around and see Ash and Andy walking toward me holding daggers. They walk past me heading toward the 'Shadow things'. Then the one 'Shadow' held up his staff and stabbed Ash through the heart "ASHLEY" I screamed and ran over to him with tears streaming down my face. I laid his head in my lap "Who are you?" he asked as he slowly drifted off. "No Ash dont you remember me! Ivy!" I whispered and cried at the same time as he died in my arms.

- End of Nightmare -

I woke up crying and ran to the bathroom not even noticing Ash woke up and was running after me. I slammed the bathroom door behind me, I looked through the cabinet for one of my blades and I found one. 

I was doing so good, it had been two months since I last cut I thought to myself as I ran the blade over my skin. Satisfaction ran through my body when the cold metal blade hit my skin. I did this 20 more times on each wrist. Then I heard Ash knocking on the door "Ivy open the door, please" he whispered the last part and it sounded like he started to cry. I hid the blade in the cabinet behind some random stuff and washed my wrists. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

Ash's POV -

"Dude, what did you do?" Jake asked walking over to me "I don't know she just woke up crying, I don't know what I did?" I said with tears threatening to spill. I heard the door open and I looked up "It's not your fault" Ivy said sniffling with her arms behind her back. "What happened? I was so worried that I would lose you." I said hugging her. "Well I had a nightmare that you died and this shadow looking thing killed you, but you didn't even know me and you also died in my arms" she said starting to cry again. "Shh, I'm not dead, it was a dream" I coo "But I do have to get ready for the show" I said looking down at her tear stained face. 

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