Chapter 10 - A Day Out (Part 2)

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Ivy's POV -

Everyone else got up and got in the Shower and ready for the day. Once they were all done "Why don't we go walking in the woods it's a nice day" Juliet suggested as Andy just got off the phone. "Well sadly us guys have to go to the studio Because we need to do a couple more things on the new album" Andy said putting his shoes on. "Well us girls can do something fun then" Alice said before giving Jinxx a kiss. "Bye Andy, I hope you have a wonderful day babe" Juliet said giving him a kiss. "Bye love have a good day" I said Giving Ash a kiss. "Good bye my one and only" Inna said before giving Jake a kiss. "Bye CC, I love you!" Anna says and gives him a kiss as well. So many kisses today. "Bye!" All the guys yelled at once and walked out the door. 

"Well what do you guys want to do" I said thinking about places we could go. "Well we could go horseback riding" Juliet suggested. "Oh Sounds fun" Inna said with a smile. "Yeah that sounds fun" Alice said with a smile. "Let's do this! who's driving?" Anna asks while jumping up from the couch. "I will" Inna yelled running out the front door. With the rest of us following her.

- Magical Time Skip to the Trail Riding Place -

We all got out of the car and went in the building "Wow this place is big" Alice said "No kidding, but it's the only place that did trail riding around here and we still had to drive like an hour" Juliet said. "Yeah" I said as we started to walk up to the building. Once we get inside they ask us stupid questions like do you own horse's? have you ever ridden one? and shit like that. 

Thankfully we all have ridden a horse before and know how to stear. So we pick our horse's and I take the grey spotted one, Juliet takes the all black horse with white boots, Inna takes the all white one, Alice takes the cream colored one, and Anna takes the dark brown and cream colored one.We get on and start heading out the barn.

 "Wait everyone get behind me in a line so we can take a picture and send it to the boys!" Juliet says excitedly while pulling out her phone. We all made funny faces. 

Once we're done with the picture we head into the trails. "So Ivy are you and Ash dating?" Juliet asks smiling at me. "Um yeah, but he only just asked me last night before we fell asleep" I said looking at her. "Oh i'm so happy for you" she said happily. "Thank You and congrats on your's and Andy's marriage" I say smiling at her. "Oh thank you sweetheart" she said smiling back at me. "and to you to Inna" I said smiling at her. "Oh thank you hun you didn't have to" Inna said with a smile. 

"Guys what way do you want to go left or right?" Anna asked. "Lets go left!" Inna said. And for the rest of the ride it was just small talk until it started to get dark and we made our way back to the barn. "Just in time for sunset" I said looking at the horizon line. "Wow that's beautiful" Alice said looking at the ombre of blue, purple, pink, and gold.

- Time Skip back to the House -

We walk into the house and we are immediately bombarded with hugs from the boys "What can you guys not live without us or something?" I ask not expecting an answer. "No" They all say at the same time making us girls bursting out laughing.

- Time Skip to Bed time -

I get under the covers with ash and he lays his head right on my boob. "You like your pillow?" I question trying not to laugh. He looks up at me then down at my boob "Boob pillows!" he yells and stick his arms in the air and all I can do is laugh. 

"Hey, I love you" I say smiling "I love you to" he says leaning up to kiss me. After a couple seconds we pull away and he puts his head back on my boob and falls asleep as I lay there playing with his hair till I fall asleep. "Good night my love" I mumble quietly so I didn't wake him. And fall into a peaceful sleep.

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