Chapter 8 - You're Mine

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Ivy's POV -

Me and Ash walked down stairs and all you see is everyone watching a movie and then you see CC running around screaming stuff and you can't even tell what he is saying, which is really funny. Typical CC. Me and Ash when to sit down on the couch and watch the movie but instead Andy turned off the movie and looked at me and so did the rest of them. 

"So Ivy what brings you to come move in with us?" he asks curiously. "Well I was living with my parents and I didn't have a job, but the thing is my parents would abuse me verbally and physically and they did this for 14 years. Until I told Ash when we went to the coffee shop the other day and I was planning on calling the police but Ash beat me to it" I said looking at the ground. 

"Oh my god, i'm so sorry you had to go through that the last 14 years of your life" Juliet said. "Oh don't feel sorry for me I kinda got used to it" I said sounding sad. "Well we're happy to help someone in need" CC said calming down and sitting next to Anna on the couch. "Thank you so much for taking me in and I promise I won't be a bother" I said with a smile. "Oh you won't be a bother we live with CC" Jake said laughing. "Hey!" CC yelled getting up and tackling Jake while everyone else is laughing there asses off. 

"Hey it's almost dinner time. What do you guys want?" Alice asked "Homemade Pizza!" CC yelled. "We had that yesterday, let's have spaghetti" Jinxx said in a calm voice as he held Alice by the waist. "I don't want spaghetti!" Andy whined. "Let's have chicken we have not have that in a while" Inna said excitedly. "yeah let's have that" Ash said. "Yeah!" everyone else agreed. "Ok, I guess that's what i'm making" Alice said chuckling as she got up and walked into the kitchen. 

- Magical Time Skip to Dinner -

We all sat down in the dining room Andy on the end, Juliet to his right and Jinxx to his left, next to Juliet is Inna And next to her is Jake, Next to Jinxx is Alice, then me, then Ash and CC is on the other end, and Anna is next to CC. Alice made fried chicken with mashed potatoes and fried veggies. "Thank you!" we all said at the same time "You're welcome" Alice said chuckling a little bit and there was just small talk for the rest of dinner. We talked about who was the best superhero, music, about the rest of warped tour, and other stuff like that.

- Another Stupid Time Skip to Bed Time -

I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when I feel to arms wrap around my waist, I look up in the mirror and see Ash with his head resting on my back. Once I finish brushing my teeth I turn around and hold Ash's head in my hands "I love you" I say and lean in and peck him on the lips. "I love you too" he said. I grabbed his hand and we walked to our room and got into bed. I feel arms wrap around my waist again "Hey can I ask you something?" he asks taking into the crook of my neck. "Yeah, sure" I said. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks still talking into my neck. It hit me like a ton of bricks "Yes Ash"I say happily "Really I thought you would say no" he said. "I love you so much" I said smiling like a dork. "I love you more" he said smirking. "whatever, goodnight" I said rolling my eyes. "Goodnight" he said chuckling then I fell into a deep sleep.

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