Chapter .8 A Broken Heart

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Elsa woke up to a very bright morning. It had snowed quite a bit so the sun reflected off the white flakes. As she sat up in bed she heard a faint knock on her front door.

Elsa got out of bed and ran down the stairs she opened her door. She looked around saw Bryan walking up.

"Hey," He said.

"Hi" Elsa said stepping out of her front door.

"I just wanted to check if you were still up to going out tonight?"

"Oh yeah sure. You could have sent a text?"

"OK just checking. Yeah I know. So a couple other people are going to be there."

"Oh, so it's like a double date?" Elsa asked

"Uh yeah something like that." Bryan answered.

"So where are we meeting?"

"I am getting picked up by some friends. So can you get your own ride?" Bryan asked.

"Well um I don-" Elsa started

"Great. See you tonight we are meeting at'Arby's'"

"Wait but-"

By that time Bryan was walking down the stairs.

He didn't seem to be that great anymore

"I better bundle up, there is a lot of snow" Elsa mumbled and walked inside her room.

Elsa picked out some white jeans, red flowy shirt, Black boots, and threw her hair into a messy bun. She grabbed her black winter jacket and threw it on her rails.

"Hey, Anna! Want to get some breakfast?" Elsa yelled

Anna came walking out of her room "Sure!" She answered.

"OK, get dressed and we'll go" Elsa replied.

Anna nodded and quickly got ready. Both the girls headed to breakfast. They decided to go to a small café a few blocks away. Elsa and Anna walked in and got a table.

A waitress came walking up to them "Good morning, What can I get you started with?" She asked

"I will have a coffee and Anna will have a..." Elsa glanced at Anna

"An Orange juice!" Anna replied.

The waitress nodded and walked away. Elsa viewed the café she looked to the left and her eyes met up with Jacks. She quickly looked away. Jack gave a small scoff.

"Anna, I will be right back" Elsa said.

"Um OK" Anna said looking at the menu.

Elsa stood up and headed over to Jack. She sat down across from him and locked eye contact.

"Is there something I can help you with?" Jack asked while sipping his coffee.

"I don't appreciate you scoffing at me." Elsa replied.

"Scoffing? This is what this is about? Wow, white girls will fight about everything" Jack replied.

"White girls?!" Elsa exclaimed "Who you calling white Frosty?"

Jack just glanced up and smirked.

"So I heard you are going on a date with Bryan" Jack replied.

"Um, yeah got a problem with that?" Elsa asked.

"No, but you are in for a real surprise."

"Like what?" Elsa asked while sitting up more.

"Well, first off he is a public school stuck up and second he dates every new girl" Jack replied

"Sure, says the one that has probably never nor will ever have a girlfriend" Elsa replied

Jack just gave a little laugh and finished his coffee.

"Have fun on your little date with Bryan" Jack said imitating a princess voice. Jack just rolled his eyes and walked away. Elsa glared at him then stood up and went back to her table. After the girls where done with breakfast they headed back to the house.

Later around five Elsa slipped her shoes on and grabbed her jacket "Anna I'm leaving!" Elsa yelled. "OK, Bye!" Anna replied. Elsa walked out and locked the door. She hopped into her car and drove to Arby's

Elsa walked in the doors and around 5:10 she shook her jacket to get the snow off of it, then she saw Bryan over at a table.

Walking closer Elsa realized Bryan was talking to a different really pretty girl.

"Hey?" Elsa said walking up.

Bryan immediately moved away from the girl and stood up.

"Hey" Bryan replied.

The brunette next to him stood up and put her hand out for me to shake. "Hi, I am Mackenzie"

I quickly smacked her hand down

Elsa scoffed, "Really Bryan? I thought this was a date"

"I,- I can explain" Bryan answered.

"Seems to me like everything's very clear to me" Elsa said raising her voice.

"No, you see this is an old friend and we happened to run into each other"

" 'Happened ' ha yeah I doubt that" Elsa replied and turned away to walk away.

"Elsa come on" Bryan replied standing up.

Elsa turned to Bryan and slapped him on his face. "You should be ashamed of yourself" She stated and walked out.

"Elsa!" Bryan yelled at her but didn't seem to care enough to go out in the snow

Elsa walked home fast the snow was getting heavier and the roads where covered in a thin layer of ice. Seeing a shadow walking up ahead Elsa cautioned herself she never trusted New York and definitely not at night. Approaching closer Elsa realized it was only Jack. Elsa sighed knowing that he had been right but didn't want to admit to herself. She quickly walked past him but in doing so slipped on a patch of ice and fell backwards. Jack caught Elsa and lifted her up. "Thanks" Elsa mumbled.

"Wait weren't you suppose to be on a date?" Jack asked

"Um, Yeah congrats you where right" Elsa replied "He is just like you said"

"Well good thing you got out of there when you did" Jack answered while walking away

Elsa gave a slight smile and tightened her jacket. She hopped in her car and drove home. When she got home Anna was munching on popcorn while watching "The Incredibles" Elsa sat down and joined her. "What happened to Bryan?" Anna asked.

"He was occupied when I got there" Elsa replied

"Ohh, well at least you have Jack to date" Anna replied.

Elsa laughed and continued watching the movie.

Maybe Jack wasn't so bad after all....

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