Chapter Three

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"Weeeee!" Anna screamed. 

There was a loud CRASH!

"Hey! People trying to sleep here!" Elsa  screamed. 

 "I know....but I don't care!" Anna yelled, laughing like a Hyena.

Elsa was convinced she had the weirdest sister in the world, in case you hadn't realized yet.

 Elsa walked out of her room to see Anna swinging on the chandelier. "Oh my gosh! Anna get down here now!" Elsa yelled.

 "That's the thing......I can't!" Anna screamed. Suddenly, the doorbell rang!

 "I'll get it!" Elsa screamed and bolted downed the stairs.  She looked out the window, to see Bryan standing out there.  Elsa sprinted back up the stairs, got dressed, did her hair, and threw some make up on in 8 seconds. "New record!" Elsa screamed, doing a victory dance. 

"Oh yeah you go girl!" Anna yelled joining the dance with her still on the chandelier.  Elsa  bolted down the stairs and barged open the door. "Yeah?" She asked. 

"Hey, listen you left your purse at school yesterday..." Bryan replied.

  "Oh Thanks. I am so sorry for you having to come over here so much." Elsa replied. 

"No, don't worry about its fine." He said. "

Oh okay good."  She said with a smile. He did a small smile, waved and started walking away. Elsa waved and closed the door. "Elsa just say it. You like him." Anna said. 

"I do not!"  She yelled.

 "Yeah sure." Anna said. Anna skipped up the stairs. Elsa threw  herself on the couch, taking deep breaths. She dozed off and woke up 9.16 seconds later.

 "ELSA! ELSA! ELSA!" Anna yelled. 

"What?" Elsa whispered quietly.

"I made Brownies you want some?!" Anna asked.

 Elsa sat up and rubbed her eyes. "No not really." She replied. 

"Girl, you are too skinny!" Anna replied. Anna shrugged her shoulders and ran into the kitchen. Elsa walked over to their coat hanger, grabbed her jacket and walked out the door. She  walked up to a stop light, looked both ways to see if any cars are coming and started walking across the road. Out of no where, a semi truck came speeding out. Coming right at her!  Bryan came flying out, tackled her across the road and they both  went tumbling down the hill. The semi truck went speeding by, ignoring that he had almost hit them.  Bryan stood up and looked down at his shirt. He had a huge cut on his back. Elsa bolted up, and ran to him. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?!" She asked.

 "Yeah, I'm fine." Bryan replied. 

"No you're not. You need help." Elsa said.

 "I do not want to go to the doctor if that is what your saying." He said. 

"Of course not. You're coming to my house, so you can clean your self up." Elsa replied. 

" really don't have to I'm-" 

Elsa grabbed his arm and started walking towards her house.  They walked in to their pretty big house.  "Go sit on the couch and I will be right back." Elsa told Bryan

"Um, Okay..." He replied. A couple minutes later Elsa walked out and started cleaning his cut. 

"What do you like doing?"

 "Um... football." He said. 

"Oh cool. You're one of best ones on the football team that's for sure." Elsa said, with a smile. 

"Thanks. But, I'm not really. There are some good players on the team." He replied. 

"Hmm, like who?" Elsa asked looking up

"Uh Jack Frost" Bryan replied.

"Frost?" Elsa scoffed "That's odd. Wait, he came by here one time to return something and he was not very plesant"

 "Um yeah. Well he is definitely not the nicest. Anyways I better get going. Thanks for the bandage " He responded. Elsa just nodded.

"Yeah. Well, bye and I'll see at school tomorrow." Elsa said

"Okay bye." He said.

Elsa followed him to the door and opened it for him. He nodded and walked out. Elsa closed the door and walked up to her room and sat on her  chair.  

There she sat in a cold, dark, room, with no hope that she would ever find anyone that understood her. She had a secret that she needed to keep. But, little did Elsa know, that she had already found the one that understood her.

 She just didn't know it yet.

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