Chapter One: Love at first sight

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Bang! Bang! Someone knocked on a bedroom door.

Elsa stood outside her sister Anna's door, jiggling the door knobs that was jammed closed.

"Anna, we our late for school and it's our first day come on!" Elsa screamed, barging the door open. "Hold on Elsa, just give me a sec." Anna called out. Anna came running out from the back, hopping on one foot struggling to put her shoes on. Finally, she managed to throw on her sneakers. Before she could make it to the door, Elsa stopped her.

"What are you wearing?" She asked, looking at Anna. She was wearing....a pink skirt, a white short with flowers on it, hair in two high buns and black and white sneakers.

"Whats wrong with my outfit?" Anna asked.

"You look like a tornado-Never mind get in the car." Elsa ordered. 

Anna froze and mumbled quietly"The car is broken."

"What? when was I going to find this out?" Elsa asked, she ran her hand through her platinum blonde hair.

"Um now?" Anna replied.

Elsa banged her head against the wall "I have the worst sister ever... We're walking."

"I don't want to walk" Anna complained.

"Well unless you have some awesome, magical, huge space ship that you never told me about....we are walking." Elsa said opening the door.

"Okay, fine." Anna said. I shoved Anna out the door. They walked down the street and onto the sidewalk. After a couple of stop signs, they arrived to the worst place you could ever be....School. Walking through the doors, Elsa crossed her fingers and walked through the last door. That's when it hit. Screaming, Crying, Crashing, Explosions. It was like World War 2 its self. A couple boys winked at Elsa, she just rolled her eyes. Anna immediately found a couple girls to talk to, Elsa just smirked and walked away into the principal's office. She saw a boy come walking out angrily.

"Man, he is angry." Elsa mumbled, he obviously heard her, because next thing she knew, he was shoving Elsa into the wall. Angrily, he stormed off down the hallway, shoving kids out of his way. Elsa shook the pain off of her head and walked into the office. She got Anna and her signed in. As she walked out, Elsa rammed into a another kid and lost her balance.  The next thing she knew, is that she made a fool out of herself by tripping on the ground, luckily no one noticed. "Again?" Elsa mumbled. 

"Hey, sorry." A boy said.

She looked up to see a nice looking boy. He reached his hand out and pulled her up.

"Thanks"  Elsa mumbled,

"I'm Bryan Edwards" He said.

"I'm Elsa... Anderson, it's nice to meet you" Elsa said, while grabbing her books and throwing them into her bag.

"You too" He nodded, "I'll see you around...Elsa" Then he walked away into a classroom.

"He was nice" Elsa mumbled.

"Oh my gosh! Elsa, he totally was checking you out!" Anna screamed, slapping my arm.

"Um ow, And no he wasn't." Elsa replied shoving her arm off of mine. Elsa walked away, shaking her head thinking...Anna always thinks that.....what is wrong with her?

Elsa shook it off and forgot about it. After a couple classes, She then walked into cafeteria. It was loud. Elsa had just sat down at an empty table, when her phone vibrated.

It read: 'Text message from Bryan'

How did he get my number? Elsa asked herself.

'Hey wanna hang out this week?' The text read.

Elsa hesitated, she didn't really know him, But... he seemed pretty nice, So she responded "Sure"

Elsa put her phone away and grabbed her bag, she was done with school for the day.  She got home, threw together a sandwich and ate it. Then went into her room, to get ready to hang out.

It was still pretty early so Elsa decided to watch a few episodes of Netflix. When she was done she stood up and walked into her closet "Well, it is not a date but I can not look like I just rolled out of bed" Elsa mumbled

Elsa threw on a white tank top, with a blue shawl over that said 'Hope' Then, She put some jeans and black heels on. She put her hair down and curled with a blue flower in it.

"Perfect" Elsa said, running down the stairs. Her phone vibrated on the way down.

"Text message from Bryan"

"Hey, I am so so so sorry. My car broke down. I can't make it tonight. Can we reschedule? "

Elsa sighed, and typed in " Yeah, sounds good. Hope you can get your car fixed."

 "Why do cars always have to break down?" Elsa asked herself. Sadly, she walked up the stairs and collapsed on her bed. "Well, he said we'd reschedule.  So I still have hope." Elsa said.

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