Chapter eleven

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I come back to the room of mirrors with a lot of rope. Lucian says it's magic rope, it seems nothing out of the ordinary to me but by now how can I doubt anything? The rope is rough and frayed. No matter how hard I pull it however it doesn't break, even in the places where no more than a string holds it together. I hold the coil up to Lucian and he smiles. "Yes! That's the one." I frown at it. I found it on a table though I'm sure it hadn't been there before. "Okay now What?" I Ask. "Now you lift my mirror down, careful now." I set the rope on the ground and grasp the mirror around the edges, I carefully lift it off the wall and set it on the ground. "Now What? It won't fit on the lamp, sorry your body." I say putting my hands on my hips. Then I realize how that must look, vain and angry, so I lower them.

"Just close your eyes, good now put your hands on my mirror. Gently now and imagine the size you want it to be." I close my eyes and so as instructed imagining the mirror small enough to fit on the lampshade. I feel the cool metal and the metal designs on the mirrors edge. Suddenly it begins to shrink. I suck in a breath and keep imagining until the mirror stops. I crack my eyes open. The mirror is now the size of maybe an iPad. I smile proudly but it quickly slips off my face. "Okay now what?" Lucians lamp gestures toward the rope. "The rope hold it on the back of my mirror and the front of the lamp. Hurry now, we haven't much time." I hasten to do as he asks holding the rope between the two objects. "Much Time Till What?" I Ask.

"Time Till The magic wears off and the mirror returns to normal size." Explains Lucian. "The ropes magic will help it hold its size, good, now imagine the rope fusing with the mirror and the lamp. No keep your eyes open for this one!" I open my eyes again and concentrate imagining the rope melting into the mirror and the lamp shade. My concentration only breaks when the rope starts to shimmer and glow. "Good! Now let go of me." Lucian says. I'm hesitant to do so, Afraid he will break his mirror as well. I slowly pull my hands away and the mirror stays on the lamp not even wobbling. The end of the rope loops around the back out of view and the longer end snaps in half leaving two separate ropes. "Wow." I say in aw. "I did that?" Lucian admires his new body. "Ah, well actually the magic rope did that but you gave it the ability yes. Now, how about helping my friends here do the same? I'd quite like to be able to speak with the as well."

He gestures toward the broom but I guess if he didn't have tiny wire arms he would have gestured to all the others as well. I walk up to the woman in the mirror. "Where is your body?" I Ask. The broom sweeps up to me. The woman smile brightly. "Here." I nod. I gently take the mirror off the wall and set her in the ground. As soon as I retrieve the rope I start the process of imagining and watching the magic again until the mirror is safely tied to the top of the broom.  She thanks me and I do the others. By the time I'm done I am exaughsted. Apparently magic takes a lot out of you. Various thanks ring through my ears as objects leave the room chatting with each other. I look at the piece of rope I have left, it's about a foot long with frayed ends. "I think I need to take a nap." I say before the world goes black.

petals fall (a modern beauty and the beast retelling) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now