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  We got interrupted by the door to my room, busting open. We looked at the door to see who it was, in fear of it being any of my parents. Unfortenatly i was right. It was my mom. She was standing still, staring at us with her mouth open. My heart was rasing! Joey put his shirt back on as fast as he could. I was trying to think of what to say! But i didn't know what to say! She saw us making out! There is no exuse for that!
Vanessa:mom i can ex-
Lillys:Joseph can you leave please?
Joey:yes miss...
My mom let Joey walk past her and as he was leaving, he looked at me and mumbled the words "im so sorry". My mom closed the door and sat on my bed.
Lillys:Vanessa... What is happening to you?
I crossed my arms and looked away, pretending that i didn't care, but i did. I cared.
Lillys:What do you mean nothing!? Vanessa! You know that your not allowed to go out with guys! Your dad is going to flip his shit when he gets to know what you just did!
Vanessa: You know what Lillys!? I dont give a fuck! This is my fucking life! I can do whatever i want with it! I am allowed to love someone! You and dad did not do anything for me! All you two do is work, or go on cute dates together! Me? Im at home, alone! Starving because i cant cook! Oh! and i got expelled from school!
Lillys:You what!?
Vanessa: omg dont even pretend like you care! You never ask how i have it at school! You dont care about anything that has to do with me! As long as my grades are good, and as long as im not slutting around, everything is perfect! But its not! Are you even my mom!? She sat there still. Not moving, not saying anything. I was staring right in to her careless eyes, with my hurt ones. It felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I finally got the most hurtful thing, that i had been carrying arround inside of me my whole life, out. Tears started running down my cheeks. It felt like they had been there, inside of me, waiting to get out for so long. It might sound weird, but it was like i was naked. Everything i was carrying inside of me had left me and i felt so light.

My mom stood up, but she still didn't say anything. I was still looking into her eyes, but there was something different about them now. They didn't look "careless" anymore, they looked hurt. I could see pain through them.
Lillys:Vanessa, honey, im so sorry. I am the worst mother ever. How could i not see that you were hurting? How did i not see that my own daughter was hurt? I am so sorry. I have been a selfish bitch to you. You don't deserve this Vanessa. You deserve a better place to live.
She had tears running down her cheeks. I could see that she ment what she was saying. Out of nowhere, my dad entered the room. He was crying too.
Dad:Vanessa, i owe you an apology too...i am so, so sorry sweetheart! You do deserve better.
I couldn't hold it back anymore. I fell on the floor as i busted out crying. Both of by parents walked up to me. They sat down on their knees and hugged me tight.
After what felt like forever, they both let go of me. My dad lifted my chin up as he said:
Dad: I think you need to rest for a little. Were going to leave you alone for a little. We will be downstairs if you need anything.
They stood up and left. I sat on the floor, just staring at nothing, for a few minutes before i decided to finally get up. I grabbed my phone and my headphones and left downstairs. I speed walked to the door.
Lillys:sweetheart where are you going?
Lillys:alright but get home before 6, we are having dinner together tonight.

I opened the door and left without answering or looking at her. I put my headphones on as i was walking and i put on "naked- by James Arthur" on repeat. I put the voliun on full. I didn't know where i was going, but i knew that this was going to be a long walk. I just wanted to get my mind off of everything that was going on in my life rn. I saw a little boy walking, hand in hand, with his mother. He looked so cute and happy as he was talking with his mom, that looked so nice and caring. I wish i could walk with my mom like that, and talk with her like that, with the biggest smile on my face and with thousands of sparks in my eyes.  

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