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  We got interupted by the door slaming open.
??: Charles what the fuck bro!?
We both looked over at the door and saw Joey standing there, looking at us with tears in his eyes.
Charles: what!?
Joey: oh nothing! Ur just making out with the girl that i am in love with!
Charles stood up.
Charles: bro im sorry! I am just so drunk.
Joey: fuck you Charles!
Charles: whatever, dude!
Charles left and Joey was still standing by the door, looking at me with his eyes that were filled with tears, that were about to escape his hurt eyes. I looked back in to his eyes for a few seconds, and i could see his broken heart through them. I wanted to go up to him and just kiss his soft lips and just hug him forever, but something was telling me to just look down and pretend like i don't care. Yes, "pretend" like i don't care. Because i do care, but i cant. I will just get hurt again and i'll have to let him go again. So i did what i didn't want to do. I looked down, and i could just feel the pain inside of me. Ok i love him! But i don't want to love him! And i need to hurt him. I need tk hurt him so that he will stop loving me and find someone better than me. Loving me is just a waste of time for him. I am never going te be allowed to be with him. So i just need to let him go, no matter how mouch it hurts. Its the best for both of us. We just have to moove on. I stod up to walk out of the room with tears dripping on the floor. As i walked past Joey, our arms touched. Fuck, i wanted him to hold my hand. I wanted him to grab my hand, turn me arround and pull me up close to him and pres his lips agains mine as our arms were wrapped arround eachother. But he didn't. I walked downstairs, and left. I didn't go home though. I didn't want to. Instead, i walked to the beach again. I sat down on the sand and watched the waves in the ocean, like last time. It was about 11pm now so noone was there. Just me and the sound of the waves in the water. I didn't know what to think about. As if i was empty. I started feeling extremely tired again. That was when i realized i haden't eaten anything that day.

  I realized i had not eaten anything that day except for a little bit of chicken and a potato. I started to get scared. What if i back out again? Then i would lay here the whole night and no one would know where i am. I decided to get up and slowly walk home. I walked past Ella's house. The party was still going on, but there were not that many people there. I continued walking untill i finally arrived home! I opened the door and i saw my mom and my dad in the livingroom arguing. They stopped when they heard the door opened and looked at me. I was not in the mood to get yelled at so with the really small amount of energy that was left in my body, i ran upstairs to my room. I closed the door and sat on my bed. I looked out of the window that was over my nightstand and saw Joey in his room. He was sitting ln his bed with his face hidden in his hands. I feel so bad for him! But its the best for him! And me...i guess. But it doesent matter, how i feel. I can live like this! I don't care! As long as he is happy, im happy. I started hearing foot steps. They were getting closer, and closer to my room. The door busted open and my dad came in. He walked up to me with an angry face. I was getting really scared at this point. He lifted his hand up...and...he...he slapped me. Hard. Right across my face. I screamed and started crying out loud. He put his hand over my mouth and started yelling in my face.
Max: dot you ever dare to slut arround and embarras us! Do you hear me!? Never again!! You are grounded forever you little shit!! I hate you!! Do you know that!?!? You are an embarrassment!! Why!? Why cant you just be a good fucking daughter and do what we tell you!?!? Fuck you!! You are not my daughter anymore!! You are a slut!!
I was screaming as loud as i could but you could not hear it because of his hand thag was covering my mouth. He had pushed me on the bed and he was still screaming. I was crying and just praying to survive. What did i do to deserve this life? Please can someone tell me!? No one deserves to live like this. Then we heard-  

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