chapter 16

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Xzavion's Pov

I sat in my mamas living room looking in the eyes of my dead beat ass father. He looked back at me with a smile on his face.

" I need a favor " he said suddenly getting serious

"Why the fuck would I help you! After you l-" I asked growing upset as he cut me off

"Look we can go through this whole me leaving on your 6th birthday and not coming back another time. Right now I need your help" he told me

"With what" I asked him

"I need you to come over to my house so I could explain it to you better, and with out people around" he said looking at my mother

I nodded my head and with that he got up and left the House... After not seeing me for 14 years! He comes back to ask me for help. Not even a how's life been kid or a hey son how's it going. I think I might just go to his house.

Not to listen to what he needs my help with.. But to kill him. I just hate him so much, I don't think he deserves to be breathing. My dreams are going to come true. I'm going to end that dead beats life.

Randy's Pov

After I got released from the hospital. My mom made Desiree and I tell her our situation. The ended in my mother letting Desiree stay in the guest house and them going shopping.

When they left my Roy came back and told pops and I that, that nigga Nyle or whatever it was, is planning on taking us out and taking Egypt.

"Good thing I already thought of a plan" pops told us

" what is this plan of yours father" I asked

"Well since Alyanna is supposed to lure Egypt in. We are going to let it happen but we are going to be at that party so when Kyle shows up. We can end him right than and there" he explained to us

"What are we going to do with Jayshaun and Alyanna?" Royce asked

"Hmm I don't know yet. They'd make good slaves.. But ima have to talk to yo mama bout that" he informed us

Mama and pop already told us the story about That Kaine nigga and his crazy ass Sister Abigail.. I think that was her name. I can't believe that nigga is still trynna get rid of pops to get with mama.

I guess that mean pops is gonna be that one to kill him, but I still have to shoot Jayshaun back. Why does my family attract crazy people?

Desiree's pov

Lately I haven't gotten any threatening texts from Xzavion and it is driving me crazy! Is he still after me? Is he going to just pop up and kill me out of the blue? Most people would probably be OK with not getting threatening messages from their crazy abusive ex. Not me though, I know Xzavion and this is out of character for him.

I'm happy that Randy's mom let me stay in the guest house because Xzavion doesn't know where it is and that's what's keeping me partially sain. My mother isn't so nice. I got a text from her this morning. It made me feel like complete shit too.

Mother: are you dead yet? I want to turn your old room into an exercise room, so tell that Xzavion boy to speed up the process

What a great mother, right? My father? Ha the last conversation I had with that asshole was when I told him that Xzavion was abusing me... Instead of saying I'm on my way not to beat that niggas ass he told me to tell Xzavion he was wassup.

Both of my parents are fucked up in the head and when Mrs. Odell let me stay here she's been treating me like I was her daughter and Mr.Odell has been super protective of me like I was his child.

They are such great people. I think my parents should take notes from them. The doorbell rang and it was followed by someone knocking repeatedly. When I got to the door, I swung it open quite annoyed with whoever was knocking.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Randy asked while he stood in front of my shirtless with sweat dripping down his chest.

His abs looked so much more tonned, and the swaet made his body glisten. His big muscular arms were slightly flexed. His shorts were sagged a little buh they game me the best view of his print, an-

"Des!" He said snapping me out of my freaky thoughts

"Sorry what did you say?" I asked blushing

" will you be my girlfriend" he asked again looking no where else but at me

" I want to be your girl but I also don't want you to get hurt because of that" I told him getting s little emotional.

" I don't care! I'm willing to put myself endanger for you! I'm not scared of that nigga cuz he's a pussy! I refuse to be scared of any nigga that's beats on girls" he told me walking closer to me.

I had to think hard about this. Its not that I don't wanna date him because I've wanted to date him since i seen him at the basketball game, but I don't want him to get hurt because of me. I don't want to be the cause of his injuries or even death.

" I don't know, Randy" I told him playing with my fingers

" you do know, your still worried about that nigga coming back and trynna kill me.. Aren't you" he asked

I nodded my head not wanting to look at him. Than I felt his lips on mine. It felt different.. It wasn't like all the other kisses I've gotten. I felt what he was feeling. I felt lust, I felt anger, I felt.. Love. It probably sounds crazy, feeling all of these feelings in just one kiss .

He pulled away and looked in my eyes. We stared in each others eyes for what felt like forever.

"Yes or no Desiree.. Will you be my girl" he ask letting me know that this was the absolute last time he was asking me

After a slight pause to make sure I was bmaking the right decision. I answered















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alright byeee Jah-naè

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