first look-chap 1

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Ahna POV



🎶Togari noh pocato-li kani
🎶Malo mani kano chi ka-baba
🎶Yoh plano boo la planonoh too, 🎶ba-na-na, ba-ba

blaring of the small alarm clock jarred me out of my peaceful sleep and I jolted up, smashing the snooze button as hard as I possibly could.

It was time for thahajjud salah .I went to washroom ,did my daily chores and took ablution .I headed out mumbling dua and laid my prayer mat and started my prayer. After completing my salah i went to check upon my sleep head , whether he is awake or not.

As ususal he is sleeping

I went to his room ,sat on his bed .

"Amir wake up" i said while stroking his hair gently.

"Hmmm" amir comfortable placed his head on my lap.

"Wake up ,you have to pray. Salat is better than sleep" i said


"Come on amir !wake up,you can sleep after your prayers . You are gonna regret it if you are not gonna  wake up now"my finger's still brushing his hair tenderly.

"I'm awake ,princess. Just give me 2 second please"he whined

"Assalamualaikum amir"i greeted him .

He blinked his eyes several time to get ride of his sleppiness. Glanzing toward me ,he wore a winning smile,the kind of smile that shows all of your teeth and greeted back to my salam.

I then asked him "how are you,this morning?" I lets my smile widen into a brilliant grin because i'm well aware about the fact ,he hate getting up early. He looked like a baby whose chocolate has been stolen.

aww so cute

Ahhh he is cute yet so handsome

He rolled his eye and irrtatedely replied"alhamdulilah ,it was good until your arrival" I gently slapped his arm and glared at him. He moaned in fake pain  before joining  in his fit of laughter.

He groaned as he dragged himself out of the bed. Then, i left to my room. Then the sound of fajir azan reached my ears and after the azan finished i made some duas.I stood from my place and made my way to wash room to redo my wudu to offer my salah.

Then reached downstairs to prepare breakfast .i started making his favourite pasta with white sauce and chicken.

i went upstairs to get ready for my office and took a shower quickly,wore my pink maxi with dark pink hijab and went down to meet my world,my grand pa. He means alot to me. He is my mom ,mydad ,my strength and he is the source of my joy.

Eventually, taking a breathe, i walked in  and sat in the stool next to his bed unknowingly a tear dropped from my eyes who is sleeping peacefully for 6 years not even bothered to wake up .

Coma, is it a beautiful sleep? i wonder.

"Grandpa ,where are you"i started screaming continuoiusly.

"Im here,in the living room" i sighed looking at him

"I am calling you for the 100th time.where were you and where is my gift"i asked because it was my birthday .

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