Chapter 7: Yellow

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"Abhay, how are you?" From the skype call, Alina's blurry image showed. Abhay smacked the side of his laptop to fix the connection. "Abhay you are studying to be an engineer and you know hitting the laptop on the side won't fix anything." The static was gone and a clear image of Alina showed. She had her hair in two braids and large glasses on her face.

 She had her hair in two braids and large glasses on her face

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"Aloo (potato). You know this is the desi way of fixing anything. It works from electronics to kids. Just take anything and start smacking." Abhay let out a laugh and so did Alina on the other side of the screen.

"Stop calling me Aloo, Abhay," Alina said pushing her glasses. The frame kept on sliding down. "Just because Aloo sounds similar to my name, that doesn't mean I like being called Aloo. So, how is India? Have you done anything special? Where is Kabir?"

"Kabir is just meeting some of his old friends at college. I haven't got the time to go out Aloo. Do you know what happened since I arrived! On the first day, I got pickpocketed by this stupid girl!" Abhay exclaimed.

"What! Did you complain to the police? You didn't lose anything important did you?" Alina exclaimed moving closer to her computer screen.

"Let me finish Alina. Okay, so guess who this thief was?" Abhay paused and waited for Alina to guess. Alina just looked back at Abhay with a blank face. "It was Kabir's cousin, Piya!" Abhay told Alina everything that happened since then to the red chili pepper in his red velvet cupcake.

"Piya sounds awesome!" Alina laughed from the other side of the screen. "Finally, you found your match."

"Hey, I found my match already. You are my match." Abhay replied smiling at Alina. On the other side of the screen, Alina stopped laughing; she looked at the keyboard then back at the screen and gave a sad smile.

"I have to go Abhay. Aba (dad) might check up on me soon." Alina said with her sad smile.

"Your dad is a total hitler I tell you. We have been friends for five years and dating for four months, but you are too scared to tell your dad about me." Abhay said grumpily. "The only reason I haven't told your dad about us because of you."

"You know dad is a bit traditional. Ever since mom died he has been overprotective towards me." Alina replied sadly.

"Wait, before you log out, I just remembered Sid said you needed to tell me something," Abhay said. All the colors on Alina's face vanished. She bit her lips unable to say what she really wanted to say.

"I have to go Abhay, I hear dad coming." The screen closed off to a blue screen. Abhay closed his laptop and walked over to his paint easel; He picked up a paintbrush and started working on his new painting. He still wasn't sure what He was trying to create.


On the other side of the world, Alina stared at the computer screen. Her dad wasn't going to come checking on her, but she couldn't master the courage to tell Abhay. She picked up her phone from the side and looked at the message she got from Sid the day before.

 She picked up her phone from the side and looked at the message she got from Sid the day before

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Alina lets out a tear. She had to tell Abhay soon. He deserved to know the truth. Alina got up from her computer desk and walked over to her bedside. She opened her bedside drawer and took out a blue Tiffany's box. She opened the box and inside it was a beautiful diamond ring. She took the ring out of the box and placed on the ring finger of her left hand. To anyone, this ring would seem the beautiful and one of a kind. However, that diamond ring meant nothing to Alina.


Piya got off from the taxi and paid the driver. She ran into the house and into her room. She started tossing all the clothes all over the place. She bent down under her bed to look and hit her head against the edge.

"Ugh, I know Abhay is a problem, but trying to find his wallet is another problem." Piya murmured as she looked for the wallet. "I know I threw it somewhere in this room. Near the window curtains, Piya finally saw the brown wallet. "Bingo, found you! Now I will hand this to Mr. Akdoo (Arrogant) and he will be like thank you Piya, you are the best Piya." Piya smiled and ran up to Kabir and Abhay's room. She opened the room and walked in. There was no one in the room.

"Hmm, where is Mr. Angry Young man at now?" Piya walked over to the room. She noticed an unfinished canvas board on an easel. It wasn't fully finished. Piya didn't even know what his painting was on. The canvas was covered in different strokes of dark colors, all moving differently. "Abstract art huh." A smile formed on Piya's face. She saw the paint tray and speared her hands in yellow paint. "How about a little bit of color for Mr. Akdoo." Omg Piya day by day you are becoming like Misha, Piya thinks. She moves her hand toward the painting.

"What are you doing?" Piya turned around to find Abhay behind her. Abhay looks at her angrily. Abhay moves forward towards her and Piya puts her hands forward to block Abhay. The yellow paint on her hand spears into Abhay's black shirt. Piya looks at Abhay's shirt and then at Abhay's angry face.

"I am so sorry." Piya turns around to find a tissue to help wipe the paint, but she trips on the easel causing the easel to fall backward with her. But before she could fall Abhay catches her. They both look at each other.

"Do you girls really watch that much Hindi drama that you wish you would fall into the arms of someone hot like me?" Abhay smirks causing Piya to get angry

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"Do you girls really watch that much Hindi drama that you wish you would fall into the arms of someone hot like me?" Abhay smirks causing Piya to get angry.

"Haha, you hot. Please in your dreams. I wouldn't even wish this upon my worst enemy." Piya says trying to get up. But Abhay continues to hold her down.

"Good, I guess we are on the same page about not wishing this upon our enemies. But seriously you are really heavy." Abhay continues to smirk as Piya looks at him angrily. Piya stops fighting and waits for Abhay to let to release her. However, before Abhay could let Piya go Panchi walks into the room and finds Piya in Abhay's arm.

Author's Note: I am sorry if this chapter wasn't so funny. Sometimes some chapter is just for plots. Please please vote and comment. For now I am gonna try to catch some beauty sleep. All images belong to rightful owners. Also forgive me for mistakes.

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