Chapter 36: Eid Special Chapter

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Since last chapter which was 36, Chand Raichand had made an entry,as well as the Eid CHAND is among us, I am making this public as a Eid gift to all of you. Also have some special characters joining who knows I may write a story on them in the future.

"Abhay, Abhay!" Piya yelled as she walked into the room Abhay and Kabir were sharing. However, Abhay was not in the room. Where did he go Piya thought as she looked around the room. Piya took out her phone and dialed Abhay's number.

"Hello love." Abhay said as he picked up Piya's call.

"Where are you Abhay?" Piya said on the phone

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"Where are you Abhay?" Piya said on the phone. "You left right after my engagement is everything all right. You are not planning on giving up?"

"Giving up..on us. Never!" Abhay replied back. "Last night my dad arrived to India. Sid, took me to his home with him to meet our dad. I will tell about him later. Why did you call so early?"

"Eid Mubarak!" Piya replied on the phone.

"Well Eid Mubarak to you my habiti (love). But I am sure neither you nor I really celebrate Eid." Abhay said scratching his head. He knew it was Eid since early on he wished Alina and her dad Mr.Khan for Eid.

"Who said I don't celebrate Eid? And how do you know arabic." Piya asked.

"I have Muslim friends in New York and I sometimes would join them in MSA (Muslim Students Association.) But why do you celebrate Eid?" Abhay asked.

"Actually there is someone very special who I celebrate Eid with." Piya replied.

"Special, more special than me?" Abhay teased.

"No, but they are very close to my heart. Come with me I want to take you somewhere special with me." Piya said.

"Give me twenty minutes and I will come by and pick you up." Abhay said as cut the call. Piya smiled to herself as she put her cell phone away.

"I can't wait for Abhay to meet him." Piya smiled. She ran back to her room to get ready. After about thirty minutes Piya came out of her house carrying plastic bags. Madhu helped her along the way. Madhu saw that Abhay was in his car waiting outside.

"Abhay beta, you are going with Piya?" Madhuri asked. "Piya I thought you will take Jai.."

"Mom, Jai was a bit in his office work and Abhay wanted to see more of Dehradun. So I decided to take him with me." Piya replied. She handed a plastic bag to Abhay so he can put it in his bag. Madhu wasn't that happy with this. She had nothing against Abhay but Piya should spend more time with her future husband. After everything was loaded in the car Piya and Abhay got on the car. Abhay pulled the car away from Piya's drive way and onto the road.

"So my Piya where are we going to meet this special someone. Also what's in those bags?" Abhay asked as he looked at the plastic bags from the rearview mirror sitting

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