Chapter 16: Deceitful Love

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Danish paced around in his trouser flipping his cellphone. A tension was in the air and he knew he took it to far. His phone kept ringing, but every time he would press disconnect. Another message popped up on the header. "PICK UP THE PHONE DANISH." Danish cleared his screen in no intent to see the message. He will be engaged in two days and he had to get rid of her. He bit his lips and then threw his phone on the bed.

 He bit his lips and then threw his phone on the bed

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"God Dammit. She doesn't understand that it's over." Danish says to himself. His bedroom door opens and his mom walks in.

"Who doesn't understand what?" Danish's mom asks. Danish turns around shocked. Shit did she hear something? Danish thinks to himself.

"Nothing ma, it's just Panchi wants to meet up before our engagement tomorrow and I was telling her that I have a lot to get ready here." Danish says giving his most genuine smile.

"Do what Panchi says. You know you have to keep her happy. She is Dobriyal after all." Danish's mom replies getting angry at Danish. Danish's mom hated all the previous girlfriends, but when Panchi Dobriyal showed an interest in her son, she knew this was their chance to move up in society. The Dobriyals are one of the richest families in Dehradun. Anyone associated with them meant they were someone in society.

"Mom please, Panchi is deeply in love with me. She will literally do anything for me. So don't worry. You will get your perfect rich daughter in law." Danish says as he sits down on his bed. Two whole year he has been with that fatty Panchi. He didn't even like her at all. She wasn't even close to the type of girl he wanted. He always knew Panchi had a crush on him, but her actually trying to marry him please. Once he was married with her his drama of being in love with her would be over.

"Then do what she says, if she want to meet up go meet up. Bali ki bakri ka kathir karo. (Please the sacrifice)." Danish's mom smiles to herself. "Once she is my daughter in law then do what you wish." Danish's phone rings. He looks at the Id then at his mom.

"I will go and see Panchi mom. You go and get ready for tomorrow's engagement." Danish leaves taking his phone. Danish's mom leaves the room, but a bit suspensions toward her son's behavior. As Danish's mom walks into the living room, their landline phone rings. She picks up the phone.

"Dipanita Aunty it's me." A husky voice from the other side comes through.

" A husky voice from the other side comes through

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Hello beta (son). You are coming to the engagement on time from Mumbai right." Dipanita, Danish's mom answers.

"Yes aunty, we will be there in five hours. Just send someone to pick us up." The voice replies.

"Don't worry beta I will send someone to pick you up personally," Dipanita replies.

"Thank you aunty. I have to go now," the voice on the other side replies before cutting the call. Dipanita puts the phone in the receiver and smiles to herself. Everything is going according to plan.


A week earlier while Dipanita was shopping for the function with Madhu, she learned about Pandit Ji (priest) prediction about Piya and Panchi.

"Dipanita, I know this is suddenly out of nowhere, but does Danish have a cousin about Piya's or a bit older." Madhu asks while they pick a sare in the market place. Dipanita found that question to be odd.

"Danish has a cousin in Mumbai, he is about 23 years old. Why do you ask Madhu?" Dipanita replies. Madhu tells all about the misfortune written in Piya and Panchi's future marriage. At that moment everything clicked in Dipanita's mind. Why just one sister, why not both. She didn't say anything else to Madhu, because if she wants to play the cards right it has to be in Danish and Panchi's engagement.

_____ flashback ends________

Danish is waiting in a park other side of town. He looks down at his phone and reads the last message she sent him. "I AM PREGNANT." Danish gulped, he hadn't thought about this beforehand. He was going to end everything with her, but now this. He looks up from his phone and sees her approaching. She walks over to him and slaps him hard on the face.

"Maya!" Danish screams as he grabs Maya's hand. The girl was no other but Maya. "Don't you dare raise your hand on me." Danish grinds his teeth as he twists Maya's hand. Maya pulls away her hand.

"Don't you dare Danish. I know you were trying to get rid of me." Maya yells at Danish pointing a finger at him. "But I am not like other girls who will cry and think it's all over. I am pregnant with your child and you have to take responsibility."

"Get an abortion Maya. I want neither you nor this child. I am getting engaged tomorrow." Danish says ready to walk away. Maya gets shocked and holds Danish by his collar.

"Engaged. What!" Maya is full shocked. "You were in a relationship with someone else and you lead me on. How dare you!" Maya begins to jerk Danish ready to hit him. Danish grabs both of Maya's hand. He looks her in the eye and begins to laugh.

"You dumb girl, you really thought I would marry you." Danish smiles with an evil impression. "Why would I marry a girl who throws herself at a guy without knowing him. In fact, I think it's your fault that you let me do what I wanted to do. Come on baby, I know you really enjoyed it."

"Danish, I will not let you get away. I will tell everyone." Maya tries to pull herself away. Danish notices a car coming their way. He smiles at Maya then releases her hand. Maya pulls back and she falls into the side walk as the car approaches them. Maya gets hit by the car and Danish makes a run from there before anyone else can notice him.

From the other side of the street a young man with glasses heard the car crash. He opens the door to his cafe and walks out. The guy was no other than Shankar. He sees the car and the injured girl. He rushes up to her to help her. From the corner of his eyes, he sees a man running away. He couldn't see his face, but only the bracelet with a letter D. On his hand. The girl in front of him was bleeding heavily. The car driver gets out of the car to see the girl. Shankar tries to wake her up, but she had fainted. He sees her phone on the side with her name on it. Maya, was written on the side. He calls the ambulance and waits for them to arrive. Shaurya runs out of the cafe to see what was going on. He sees the blood on Shankar than Maya.

"Shankar, is she alive," Shaurya says.

"There is still a faint pulse. I called the ambulance, they will be here soon." Shankar replies feeling Maya's pulse.

"Forget the ambulance we need to take her there. The ambulance is never on time." Shaurya bends down to help Shankar put Maya in the driver's car who ran over Maya. They drove Maya to the hospital.

Author's Note: So what did you guys thought

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Author's Note: So what did you guys thought. By the way is this getting boring for you guys, because I don't see much comment, so I was wondering?

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