The Performance

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Robin envisioned a crowd cheering his name. He smiled and waved, then grabbed the bar, and launched himself off the platform.

Starfire awoke suddenly. She looked about the ceiling. But, she couldn't return to her world of slumber. She floated out of bed and out the door. With nothing else to do, Starfire decided to sit on the beach and greet the sunrise. Then it occurred to her that she needed someone to share this viewing of a wonder of nature. So, the Tamaranian took off to Robin's room.

Only to find that he wasn't in there.
The gym! She thought excitedly.

When she arrived, Starfire found a door she had never seen before open. Quietly, she flew in, and smothered her gasp of surprise.

Robin was soaring through the air, like the bird in which he was called. A robin. "This is it, folks. We watch with baited breaths as this amazing young acrobat performs his daring feats before our very eyes!" Robin called out. "It seems that not even watching his parents die at age 8 deters his gift. Let John and Mary Grayson rest in peace...this is it! he performs a quadruple mid-air soumersault...a corkscrew, and OH! What a phenomenal trick! THE CROWD GOES WILD!" Robin stood on the platform, mimicking the sound of cheering spectators.

And Starfire?

She watched in sadness as her best friend grinned while sobbing between his teeth as tears fell from his aqua blue eyes.

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