A story

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Robin plopped onto the sofa. "Starfire, would you like to hear a story?" She hesitated in confusion. "Certainly." Robin laughed weakly. "Very well. This is the story of Richard Grayson."
One day in spring, a baby boy was born. His name was Richard John Grayson, born to Mary and John Grayson. His parents were acrobats in Jack Haly's Circus. Mary liked to call her son Dick. Dick was a natural born acrobat with the grace and flawless of one to match. He was performing by age five. Everyone who saw his acts adored him and his parents.
John Grayson was a man who loved his family dearly. Naturally, Dick grew up with lots of affection and care upon him. John was of Romani descent, so he taught his son to speak this language. Dick never knew English.
One day when he was eight, Dick ran ahead of his parents when walking to the tent. He ran into someone. The man emerged from the shadows. "Well whaddya know. The circus is in town." "Tony Zucco. Welcome to Gotham City."

Robin paused. He growled viciously, stiffening in anger. Starfire looked at her friend in alarm. He continued.
Dick backed away slowly. John appeared by his son's side. "John Grayson, circus manager. Can I help you?" Zucco smirked. "I'd like to think I'm here to help you, John. My brothers and I can provide your circus with...protection." John's eyebrow rose. He folded his arms. "Protection? I'm not sure why we would need your protection." Dick crossed his arms and made a sound of agreement. A frown crossed Zucco's face. "Let me be blunt, John. You don't pay us, things'll get ugly."

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