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Starfire flew up to hide in the shadows. He'd curled up into a ball, weeping miserably. Suddenly he stopped "Shut up. SHUT UP!" Robin screamed at the sky. The boy ripped at his hair, shrieking in grief. "Stop. STOP LAUGHING!!!!" She watched tears pour from his eyes. Starfire quietly crept out of the room.

By now, the Titans had awoken and began to address the coming day. The Tamaranian princess walked into the ops room, pretending to be happy to mask the horrors she had previously witnessed. "Mornin Star!" Cyborg spoke cheerfully, his skilled mechanical hands preparing his customary waffles. She smiled and nodded. "Yo Star! Have you seen Rob? I'm supposed to kick his butt at Mortal Kombat right now!!" Beast Boy grinned. Starfire stared at Raven. "He is dealing with the 'personal stuff' at the moment."

Robin soared across the sky, his hair windblown by the fierce cold air. He grabbed the bar tightly. The Boy Wonder waited for his opening and took it. He let go, and made a corkscrew in the open space, then hooked his legs around the awaiting bar. He knew he should've gone to breakfast to act normal, but this day was far from normal for him. Robin didn't really feel like seeing anyone at the moment. He just wanted to be alone, to suffer in silence.

After all, he didn't want to look weaker than he already felt.

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