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The day, which was annoyingly beautiful, dragged on. Robin groaned, and made his way up to the ops room, plastering on his mask. As he walked in, Beast Boy hopped over the sofa. " Dude, 'bout time! Check it out! Haly's circus is in town! Wanna go?"
Robin drew back as if he'd been punched in the gut. He turned away, his shoulders trembling. "Uh, Rob, you okay?" Cyborg asked. "So, you wanna go or not?" Robin hissed. "NO," he spat acidly. "C'mon, it'll be fun!" "I. Said. NO!" Robin growled. And with that, the Boy Wonder strode briskly into the shadows.
Beast Boy scoffed. "What's his problem?" Raven snapped her book shut. "Believe me, you don't want to know." Raven gave him a cold stare. "If you knew anything about Robin, you'd wish you didn't."
Robin knew he'd acted irrationally. But the last thing he wanted to happen was his team finding out what this day really meant to him.
It wasn't that he was afraid of circuses. No, It was far from that.
He watched death in a circus.

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