I Promise

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Robin sat in the bathroom, dragging the blade up his arm. He grinned, giggling slightly, but a tear slipped from his eye. Blood trickled in red rivers down his pale flesh. He licked his lips, baring his teeth in a gritted smile as he tasted iron from the gash on his forehead. "Go ahead, pain. I'm not afraid of you!" He rasped harshly, sick laughter bubbling in his throat.

Raven had her nose in a book as she flew by Robin's door. Suddenly, she heard laughter coming from the recesses of the steel walls. The novel clattered to the floor. The sorceress had never heard such twisted, insane laughter, even in her experience as both a half-demon and a Titan. Her eyes widened. I know that voice... In a flash of black, Raven teleported into the bathroom. The scene of Robin crosslegged on the floor with a triangle of grey spattered with red as blood pooled from his arm and face unfolded before her quivering, terrorized amethyst eyes. With a snap of her glowing fingers, the wounds sealed, and blood retreated into the bowels of veins. Robin was shaken from his madness reverie, only to find Raven kneeling before him, a indescribable look on her face and fire in her eyes. "R-raven! I-" CRACK. A silver hand thrashed out, hitting his light cheek with an audible crescendo of stricken flesh. The Boy Wonder drew back, his domino masked eyes wide in bewilderment and astonishment. Raven glared at him so intently, sparks of red flamed in the purple of her irises. "You...idiot." The girl's voice turned demonic. Tears shone at her corneas, hot, angry saltwater threatening to fall. "What in Azar do you think you're doing?!" She screamed. Robin's stare turned empty and haunted. "Raven. Nobody can help me anymore. I can't be free of the madness. Deal with it." She snarled, glowing in white tinged ebony fire. "You have Starfire, you dolt! I can't babysit your instabilities forever! I may think of you as a brother, but you need to lean on others, Robin." Raven shook with rage and defeat, her fists clenching and unfurling. "They've always been here, and they will remain that way. You love Starfire, correct?! Then tell her the truth! The whole, truth, damn it!" He gasped slightly. She swore. Raven never swears. Robin sighed heavily, reached over and hugged the demoness gently. "You're right, Raven. I'm sorry I had to drag you into this...impurity...of mine." Robin helped his friend to her feet. "Thank you. I'm probably gonna need your magic to get rid of this hellish curse, though." Raven patted his shoulder in a sisterly way. "I'll take a look in my spellbooks. And Robin?" Raven created a portal. She glanced back, her eyes hardening dangerously. "I need you to promise me you'll never scare me like that ever again. Do you understand me, Grayson?" He smiled softly, and saluted sarcastically. "I promise, Rachel."

Robin stood outside the Tamaranian's door. Blowing out a breath, He knocked. But, before he could, Starfire rushed into his arms. "Why, Robin? Why did you do the cutting of yourself?!" She whispered hoarsely. Robin embraced her, stroking the long, scarlet hair slowly. "I'm so sorry I made you worry, too, Star. I just...I'm a bit more broken than I'm willing to admit to the world." She sobbed, clutching his back desperately. "You shall cease this, right Richard?" He hummed sadly, kissing the girl's forehead tenderly. "If it can make you stop crying, of course I will. It's terrible to see you crying." Starfire sniffled and drew back. She placed her lips lightly on his, and pulled away, peeling off his mask so she could look into his sky blue eyes deeply. "Do you do the crossing of your heart, Dick?" He chuckled, and performed the motion earnestly. "Anything for you, Star."

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