A story pt. 2

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Tony demonstrated the power of each of his brothers. Dick became very fed up with their destruction. He jumped in front of the shortest brother, "Stop!" he exclaimed. "Dick!" Mary cried out. Zucco snickered. "You've got quite a family here, John. My pops always said, 'Family's the most important thing'. I'd be devastated if anything happened to my brothers." Tony gripped Dick's shoulder. Dick grunted in pain. John growled in anger. He punched Zucco in the face, eventually leading to him fighting each brother until he was knocked down by the strongest. "I think our work here is done." "I don't think so." Dick stated ferociously. Tony sneered at him. "And what makes you so sure about that, sonny?" Dick gave a triumphant grin. "I called the police five minutes ago." A look of panic crossed Zucco's face. "And guess who intercepted that call?" A voice hissed from the shadows. A man jumped down from the rafters above. He landed smartly on the ground. His eyes were white slits in a black cowl attached to a cape. A bat insignia was threaded on his kevlar uniform. There was a bulky utility belt clasped around his waist. Dick gasped in realization.
It was Batman. The Batman.
The hero helped John up. Then, with a snap of his cape, He fiercely and silently attacked the Zucco brothers. Tony ran past Dick, who glared at him. "Our family's been separated. I think it's time we returned the favor."
Mary lay her head against John's chest, smiling in relief. John had a hand against Dick's shoulder. Dick turned to the mysterious dark knight, giving him a happy smile. The frowning character took in the boy's gesture, and let himself give a tiny smile in return.
Dick thought all was well.
But he would come to know that things were about to change....

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