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Robin found he'd have to settle into a new life. He originally theorized that Bruce would be seen around the mansion commonly, but it was to his disappointment that he was sadly mistaken. Bruce was like a ghost; he seemed to appear at one moment, then vanish again.

One night, Dick awoke from a nightmare. He heard the screech of bats. Running out of his room, He found the familiar grandfather clock and sat in the armchair. Richard looked up sadly at the painting of his parents. Again he growled, and swore that he would avenge their deaths. Suddenly, Alfred, the butler, appeared from out of the clock. A secret tunnel could be seen from behind. As the clock returned to its position, and Alfred's footsteps faded off, Dick slipped out of his seat, and pulled on the pendulum of the clock to reveal the tunnel once more. He tiptoed down the steps, only to gasp in awe.

Here, right before his very eyes, was the BatCave. The cavern was lit by the blue glow of various computer screens. Dick laughed quietly in excitement, only to inhale sharply at the dull roar of an engine. Richard grinned at his hiding place as he watched the BatMobile stop. The legendary caped crusader hopped out and walked away. Dick found his opportunity, and tried to run out.

Only to run right into Batman, who glared down at him. Batman reached up to his face and pulled off the cowl to reveal Bruce, who's glare was intensified by his sharp blue eyes. Dick was taken aback at the sight. His foster father, Bruce Wayne, was....Batman.

Richard, Alfred, and Bruce sat in the room of the painting. "Due to the given circumstances, it was only a matter of time before you would discover my secret. So...let's talk about what you saw." Thus, Richard went into a rant of admiration until Bruce stopped him. "That is why you haven't seen much of me lately." Dick's own blue eyes grew steely. "You're going after Zucco?!" He hissed the name. "No. That's my job. He's going to get what's comin to him." Alfred and Bruce shared a raised eyebrow look. "Its late. We should all get to bed." Dick rolled his eyes as he returned to his room. "Late for Bruce Wayne, but early for the Batman," he remarked silently.

"Robin? What did friend Richard mean by this?" He looked at her, finger to his chin in thought. "Well, Bruce Wayne usually lived more of a daylight life, But Batman stuck to the middle of the night, or any time after dark for that matter." Starfire nodded, considering. "Is the Batman like you?" Robin's eyes widened. "I try to ignore it, but, yes, we have some similarities. Actually, he was the one who trained me. Batman made me who I am."

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