7. The Hogwarts Express

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The journey to Hogwarts always seemed to drag on--the trek from London to Scotland taking a good 8 hours.

In any other situation, Albus wouldn't have minded the long trip to the highlands. He enjoyed watching the passing landscapes--rolling fields of grazing sheep, cascading valleys, and far off mountains topped with snow. The rocking of the train would easily lull him to sleep and the time would fly by. But he could never enjoy the Hogwarts Express because he knew he wouldn't like his destination. Whether it was his house or Hogwarts, he dreaded his arrival. The train was just the eye of the hurricane, a brief, unsettling distraction from the inevitable.

Boarding in a bad mood didn't help much either. He slumped down in a seat, resting his head against the window, which rattled as the train chugged along.

"I don't want to talk about it," he muttered to Scorpius, who took the seat across from him, his eyes glistening in concern after the heated argument that had taken place on the platform.

For once, Albus was glad he was unpopular because it meant they could have a whole train compartment to themselves. He really was not in the right mood to be around other people at the moment--except for Scorpius but he was a notable exception. Scorpius had a peaceful presence that Albus could always count on. Scorpius wasn't the type of person to get into an argument easily, especially not with Albus.

When they first started to become friends, Albus considered Scorpius' passivity as a weakness. As if not putting up a fight made him spineless. But Albus quickly realised that it was, in fact, not a flaw, but a trait that showed Scorpius' strength to withstand something that could greatly fire up someone like Albus. Scorpius would only step in when it was truly necessary, using logic and wisdom to avoid silly little arguments that would do no good. It helped create balance in their friendship--Albus would always be ready for a fight but Scorpius would refrain until need be. Together, Scorpius could help restrain Albus and Albus could help Scorpius speak out.

"It's okay, we don't have to," Scorpius nodded in understanding, not wanting to push his still irritated friend. That was another thing about Scorpius--he didn't try to push Albus over the edge like his family seemed to enjoy.

Albus let out a wearied sigh, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment, "I just want to forget everything to do with my dad right now."

"He does care about you, you know. He was just worried." Scorpius said, treading carefully. He knew better than to get Albus started on his family troubles.

"Yeah, I know," Albus admitted, "I just wish he understood me better. He can just be so—" he searched for the right word, "—so ugh!" He bunched up his face in disgust.

Scorpius slipped a smile, "I don't think parents are meant to understand us. That's what makes us teenagers."

"Yeah, I suppose." Albus sat back in his seat, watching the clouds roll over the blue sky. "It's just... I'm not like him. Or James. Or Lily. I'm not popular, I'm dreadful at magic, I can barely balance on a broom, and he just doesn't get that. He's the most famous wizard alive. He doesn't know what it's like to be a loser."

"I don't think you're a loser," Scorpius chimed in.

Albus' lip tweaked up, "Thanks, Scorp. You'd be about the only one."

"Someday everyone will realise how great you are. But until then, you've always got me." Scorpius gave him a cheesy smile, causing Albus to grin.

"You're all I got, so you better not leave me anytime soon."

"As long as you promise not to leave once everyone figures out how cool you are."

"Deal." Albus reached his arm out and Scorpius took it, giving it a firm shake.

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