24. A Series of Interruptions

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The cold air bit at his hands and Albus cursed at himself for not wearing gloves as he trekked his way down the hilly path from Hogwarts to the village below. Snow had yet to fall but that didn't stop the weather from making it seem as though winter had already arrived. Bundled in his warmest cloak, layered on top of a jumper, Albus still shivered as he watched his breath plume out in front of him. Although he knew walking faster would get his blood pumping and keep his body temperature up, Albus kept his stride purposely slow, wanting the journey to take up as much time as possible.

It took everything in him to leave the warm cosy common room for the walk to Hogsmeade. He regretted ever agreeing to take the trip in the first place. Had he been with Scorpius, maybe he would have felt differently but he and Scorpius still weren't on speaking terms.

The day previous, Scorpius had spent avoiding Albus. In the few lessons they had together, Scorpius had picked a set furthest away from him, avoiding every one of Albus' pleading glances. He'd swiftly disappeared in the corridors afterwards, not letting Albus catch up to him, even when he just wanted to apologise for the morning's argument.

Despite his uplifting exchange with Professor Amatori, Albus' mood was brought down again by Scorpius' unwillingness to even address him. When Albus came back to the dormitory in the evening, he'd found Scorpius sat on his bed reading, his cat curled up on his lap. Before Albus could even open his mouth, Scorpius flicked his wand, drawing the curtains around his bed closed then cast a muffliato charm so he wouldn't be able to hear Albus try to talk to him.

Defeated, Albus tried to go to sleep early but ended up spending the majority of the night turning recklessly over in his sheets, his mind racing with the events of the day. He wanted so desperately to speak to his best friend again, to explain everything. It pained him to be ignored by someone who had always had his back.

Saturday morning came and all Albus wanted was to stay in bed all day. But it was no use staying there with the cruel reminder that Scorpius wanted nothing to do with him. He needed to distract himself. Finally, he decided it was in his best interest to drag himself out of bed and keep his promise to meet Magnolia in Hogsmeade. He'd already let down one of his friends by not keeping his word, he wasn't about to do it again.

Albus paused as he reached the door to The Three Broomsticks, already brimming with Hogwarts students looking to get their fix of fresh butterbeer or stop in for a hearty lunch. With a deep breath, Albus braced himself, stepping inside.

He was greeted by a burst of hot air, immediately helping to defrost his frigid body. Despite not visiting the old inn in quite some time, Albus had no trouble remembering the place. The musty smell of the old wooden floors, the crackle over the fire just barely audible over the chatter of patrons, and the maze-like layout of tables, almost all full of students and villagers alike.

Albus glanced around the crowded pub, secretly hoping Magnolia wouldn't even bother to show up. Perhaps it had all been a cruel joke on him and Magnolia never had the intention of actually meeting with him. At least then Albus could go back and sulk around in the castle instead of forcing himself to spend time in Hogsmeade.

"Albus, over here!" Someone called out.

He looked over to see Magnolia sat at a corner table by the window, waving her hand for him to see.

Knowing his fantasy had been too good to be true, he wormed his way through the busy pub floor to where Magnolia waited eagerly. She smiled brightly, motioning to the seat across from her for him to sit. He obliged, shedding his cloak as he did so.

"Thanks again for coming," Magnolia beamed, "I already ordered us some butterbeer. Hope that's alright."

Albus nodded although he was beginning to wish for a pint of firewhiskey to help get him through this day.

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