18. Tea with a Terrier

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Stumbling down the hilly Hogwarts grounds, Albus was reminded of how long it had been since he'd last visited the hut on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. He didn't remember the trek being so difficult as a child when he used to visit more frequently, able to nimbly navigate down the hillside with ease. Now he hiked down the steep terrain carefully, nearly twisting his ankle a few times on the rocks that jutted out of the grassy slope. The momentum carried Albus down to the flat ground, his feet hitting the ground with a thud that vibrated through his whole body. He let out a puffing breath, relieved to be on a more gentle plane.

He paused to look ahead at the hut, nestled amongst a little garden where plump pumpkins and warty gourds popped up, entangled in long leafy vines that reminded Albus of the snakes that decorated his common room. It was only early October but Albus knew the pumpkins would soon decorate The Great Hall, faces carved into their thick orange skin, light flickering in their triangular eyes as they floated above the long tables.

The pumpkins were a clear sign that Autumn had officially arrived at Hogwarts. Vivid leaves scattered over the grounds, crunching underneath students' feet as if they had tied packets of crisps to the soles of their shoes. The air grew cooler with a chilly breeze but just warm enough that Albus felt comfortable with just his school robes on. No need for his heavy winter cloak yet. The Autumn also brought rain, leaving patches of slick mud just waiting for an unsuspecting student to step in and ruin their shoes.

If it weren't for the fact that Autumn meant the start of school and living at Hogwarts, perhaps Albus could enjoy the season. But his preference would always be winter, the cold gloom and slushy snows giving him a great excuse to stay indoors, cuddled up by the fire in a thick woollen jumper.

Albus could smell the comforting scent of firewood, as smoke billowed up from the stone chimney of the hut. A fire in the hearth meant that someone must have been home to tend to it so Albus continued his approach up to the front stoop. Reaching up his hand to knock, he paused with hesitation, wondering if it hadn't been such a good idea to come at all. He wasn't even fully sure what had convinced him to pay a visit, only a small spark of an idea that might not even pay off in the end.

Albus glanced back at the castle, towering on the rocky hill behind him. He didn't want to have walked all this way for nothing and not even attempt to say a quick hello. With a sigh, he turned back to the door, rapping his fist against the splintery old wood.

Inside, Albus could hear the muffled creaks of heavy footsteps on old wood as they approached the other side of the door, the hinges creaking as it opened. A large figure towered over him, having to bow his head slightly to poke it outside the door frame. It took him a moment to see Albus, the large man having to look downwards to see Albus' much smaller stature.

"Uh hello, Hagrid," Albus greeted, a sudden feeling of timidness washing over him in the presence of the man.

"Blimey! If it isn't Albus Potter! Come in, come in!" Hagrid's face lit up as he stepped aside, making room for Albus to enter the old hut.

"Yer in luck! Just put the kettle on," Hagrid lumbered over to the hearth, gesturing to the cast-iron kettle hanging above the fire.

Albus stood in the centre of the cluttered hut, teetering on the balls of his feet. He wasn't quite sure what to do with himself. Although Hagrid was a familiar face, he couldn't help but feel out of place in the hut--it having been so long since he last came for tea and a chat with the old family friend.

"Well don' jus' stand there, take a seat. Yeh look like yeh've never bin in a house before!" Hagrid chortled, waving Albus over to a wooden chair at his kitchen table.

Albus obeyed, lifting himself into the half-giant-sized chair, which made him feel even smaller than usual. His feet dangled over the edge, not able to reach the floor.

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