19. Friends and Family

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"That's all he said?" Rose hung on to every word Albus whispered to her in their Charms lesson. Her eyes darted to the side, trying to analyze the information she was told.

They sat next to each other, pretending to focus on the spell they were supposed to be practising. Rose was able to flick her wand about, casting the spell with little effort as her brain was elsewhere, thinking about Septima Vector and the case. Albus, on the other hand, didn't even bother to lift his wand, instead, sitting with an open textbook that he didn't even glance at.

He nodded, "Yep, just that she felt horrible about the loss of students in the war. That's why she took the year off before she returned to teach."

Rose's lips pursed in displeasure, "Well that's not very helpful. We already figured that much out ourselves. You should have asked him more about the recent years before she retired! Or perhaps if she had any relation to Terry Boot."

Albus huffed with a roll of his eyes, "Well sorry I didn't come prepared to give a proper interrogation." It seemed like the only way to please Rose would be to come with the case already solved. "He seemed upset, I didn't want to pry further."

"It will have to do. Perhaps I can owl my mother...maybe she will have some information," Rose thought aloud.

"Won't she suspect something?"

Rose shrugged, "I don't think she'd got the time to be suspicious. Besides, she's used to my questions by now. My dad always says I inherited her curiosity. She probably won't bat an eye."

They stifled their voices as they noticed professor Flitwick's eye on them from where he stood, observing the class.

"Staying on task, are we, Mr Potter and Miss Granger-Weasley?" His eyebrow quirked up at them.

Rose nodded, putting on a most innocent smile, "Of course, Professor."

Professor Flitwick wasn't convinced as his weighted gaze fell upon Albus, "Mr Potter, you do understand that this charm does, in fact, require a wand--unless you've suddenly mastered the ability of wandless magic. Then, of course, I stand corrected and would be impressed by the advanced skill you seem to have obtained."

Albus' face reddened as he picked up his wand to begin an attempt at the spell. He heard someone snickering a few seats over and was unsurprised to see Matthias and Tristian, entertained by his embarrassment. Next to them, Magnolia caught his eye and gave Albus an apologetic look before turning back to her own work.

Albus picked up his textbook, propping it up so it stood up to cover his shame and the fact that he had no intention of practising the spell. He knew he'd never be able to replicate it the way Rose could.

"In the meantime," Rose spoke in an even softer whisper, her eyes trained on her textbook to avoid getting called out by Flitwick again. "I think it's time we move on from Professor Vector and start focusing on the other victims. Maybe we can find out how they are all linked."

Albus nodded, "Sure. Hopefully, we can find some more on them."

"There's got to be something. Some sort of string that will tie them all together. It just can't be random."

Albus glanced back over to Magnolia, where she was chatting with Margot Creevy. He recalled what she said about the group of bad wizards that might be behind the death of Terry Boot. Perhaps he could ask her more about it--although Rose would surely protest getting any sort of help from Magnolia.

Albus let out a sudden gasp as an idea struck him. The surrounding students jumped slightly, glaring at him before returning to their work.

"What is it?" Rose implored.

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