37. Train Corridors

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Goodbyes out of the way, Albus was finally able to board the train, his firey determination still burning hot inside him. He followed his brother and sister onto one of the train carriages. But one into the carriage corridor sent his heart falling into his stomach, almost dousing his flame. 

Students squeezed down the skinny corridor, ducking into compartments to eagerly join their friends. Lily ran down towards the entrance of the next carriage, squealing with excitement as she jumped into the arms of her best friend, Millie. Also quick to disappear, James made his way down the opposite end of the train peering into each compartment, undoubtedly looking for his friends and girlfriend. 

Normally, Albus wouldn't have even boarded the train without Scorpius by his side. They'd find an empty compartment in the last carriage of the train. While the rest of the train filled up, they made themselves comfortable, knowing that no one ever wanted to share a compartment with them. But stepping onto the train alone, Albus was struck with the uncertainty of where he would sit. The compartments were already starting to fill up and there was little chance of being able to find one empty. The thought of asking to sit with other students made him feel sick to his stomach.

With his head beginning to spin a little, he staggered down the corridor in the hopes that maybe there'd be one open. The sound of the whistle and screech of the wheels soon dashed his hopes as he stumbled, trying not to fall as the train jolted to a start. 

Wandering aimlessly down the row of carriage, Albus could see the end of the train nearing. Swallowing his dread, he knew he'd need to face the inevitable and find a compartment to sit in with others. Perhaps he could find his sister--but just the thought of sitting with a group of jabbering third years for eight hours already gave him a headache. James' friends would at least be more bearable but he didn't want to deal with the passive-aggressive glares from Tabitha the whole journey. With Rose and Ophelia in the Prefect carriage, that left very few options for Albus to chose from.

Caught up in his own worries, he didn't realise he'd reached the end of the train until he almost walked into the wall of the final carriage. Shutting his eyes tight, he tried to muster up the courage to make the trip down the train in the opposite direction when a voice called out from behind him.


He didn't need to turn to know who it was. 

"Are you okay? Why are you staring at the wall?"

A hand touched his arm and he flinched, shaking it off as he spun to face Scorpius. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," Albus avoided looking Scorpius in his eyes, which were rounded with concern.

"Where were you?" Scorpius started, a slight squeak in his voice, "I waited on the platform until the final call but you never came. I thought you might not be coming back to school or you missed the train or--" 

Albus cut off Scorpius' worried ramble, "No, no. I got on with James and Lily. I just thought--"

'I just thought you might not want to see me after I tried to kiss you' 

"--You just thought what?"

Albus shook his head, "Nothing. Nevermind." He hadn't expected Scorpius to want to see him again--at least not so soon. They hadn't discussed what had happened at the manor. They hadn't even exchanged owls about what their fathers had discovered about Lacero. Did Scorpius know about Magnolia?

"Albus, are you sure you're okay?" Scorpius tilted his head, apparently oblivious to what had caused Albus so much strife over the last few days.

"I've just had a lot on my mind," Albus sighed. It wasn't a lie. "About Lacero and the investigation..."

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