45. The Retribution

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Never had Albus been so thrilled to see the familiar mess of black hair and rounded-glasses. He practically jumped for joy, his heart soaring. They weren't alone in the fight anymore.

"Harry Potter!" Lacero cooed as if amused by his arrival, "How funny! We were just talking about you." She was the only one laughing.

Despite the fear that raced through him, he couldn't look away. One sudden movement and his father could be dead in an instant--Albus couldn't let that happen. He was prepared to intervene if necessary, even without the use of his wand. 

In his focus, Albus didn't notice the two hands reaching out to grab him. With a yelp, he attempted to swat away his attacker.

"Albus! Albus, sweetheart, it's just me!"

He blinked a few times, trying to figure out if the red-haired figure in front of him was actually his mother or just some hopeful illusion. Or perhaps an elaborate trick devised by Lacero to lull him into a false sense of security. But the look in her eyes was unmistakable. No one could replicate the fierceness in which Ginny Potter loved.

"Mum," Albus' voice broke as he sank into the arms of his mother. He buried his head into the crook oh her shoulder as she cuddled him close. His eyes stung as he choked back sobs. Every bit of him wanted to break down crying but the adrenaline held him back. The fight wasn't over. Not yet.

"Albus, are you hurt? Did she do anything to you?" His mum verged on shouting, frantic as she held him out in front of her to scan him over for injuries. He winced as her hand brushed the cut on his cheek. The bleeding had stopped but it still stung.

He pushed her hand away, reassuring her that he didn't need the attention right now, "It's fine. I'm fine. But Scorpius--" He didn't get to finish his sentence as he heard a roar from across the garden.

"FLIPPENDO," The sound of Draco's thunderous cry caused birds to scatter from the nearby treeline with startled squawking. Magnolia hadn't even had the time to think of a protective spell before she was struck. Her body flew back a few metres through the air, hitting the ground with an earth-shaking thud.

A whimper escaped Lacero's mouth as she watched her daughter's face contract with pain. She flinched, wanting to move or lash out, but stopped herself. There was little she could do without causing Harry to strike. Instead, she narrowed her eyes on Draco, shooting a vengeful glare in his direction.

Out of Magnolia's clutches, Scorpius made a break for it. Draco and Scorpius ran at full speed towards one another, almost slamming into each other in the middle. Scorpius collapsed into his father's embrace. One arm outstretched with his wand pointed at Lacero, Draco grabbed hold of Scorpius with the other, holding on to his son for dear life.

A loud crack startled Albus, his head twisting in the direction of where his father had appeared from. Hermione emerged out of thin air, her wand already outstretched. With another crack, Ron apparated by her side, landing far less gracefully.

"By request of the Ministry," Hermione marched forward to stand beside Harry, her voice serious in a way Albus had never heard from his aunt, "I order you to stand down and surrender yourself peacefully. We do not wish to fight."

Lacero's eyes flickered across the new opponents gathered in front of her, appearing to size them up. Her confidence faltered slightly before her lips thinned into a sly grin. Her wand remained raised by her side.

"Oh that's too bad because that's exactly what I want," She said, far too cheerfully. "You've come all this way, stop and stay awhile!"

Spinning with a flourish, a beam of red light shot out from her wand, in the opposite direction of Harry and Hermione. Instead, the spell hit the back door of her house. The door swung open with a loud bang as it hit the opposite wall.

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