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(May contain swearing)
(Evan's P.O.V)
A warm smile...I hear the front door open then close, I'm half asleep but half awake...My mind is awake but my eyes refuse to open...I hear the door to my bedroom creak open then I feel someone slip into the cover next to me...I turn around to see Jonathan...I sigh deeply..."You okay...? You seem...Tense..." He says "I...Just thought you were someone else...Sorry...I'm fine...You're back then, huh?" He shrugs "Yes...But no..." I sit up "How so?" He sighs "Well, I'm here in your dreams but I'm not physically here..." I pinch myself and feel no pain...Fuck..."Oh...I...Ugh...Okay..." He lays my head back down "Get some sleep..." I feel my eyes slowly closed as I drift back to sleep...I wake up covered in sweat...Luke is standing in front of the door watching me. "Bad dream?" I shrugged not really knowing what to say..."You were shouting Jonathan's name...You're sweating and you look tense...What's up?" I shrug again...It wasn't a bad dream...Was it? It wasn't really bad..."Evan? Answer me properly." I look at Luke who clicks at me to get me out of my thoughts, it works..."I'm fine...It wasn't really a bad dream more of just a surprising dream I think..." He nods slowly "Okay..." He turns around "Next time answer me...You worried me..." He leaves. I shrug and go and get changed.
(Ryan's P.O.V)
I hear a knock at the door so go and answer it. "Hey..." I hug him "You're back! You okay?" He hugs me back slightly "Yeah I'm back...And I'm fine..." I hug Jonathan tighter. "It's not been the same without you dude." He laughs "I know..." I feel a light tap on my shoulder "I am offended about the attention he's getting that I'm not getting." I turn to see Luke slightly laughing. Jonathan joins in laughing then I hug Luke tightly. I finish the hug quicker than I did with Jonathan's hug though because Smitty and Tyler came through and want to talk to Jonathan about how he is and shit."So how are you?" Tyler asks. "I'm fine, how are you guys?" Everyone answer with an 'alright'. "Are you okay without your dog?" Jonathan doesn't answer that question he just looks down..."Sorry..." Scotty says almost immediately. Jonathan shakes his head "It's fine..." Smitty is the first to mention Evan..."Evan's missed you a lot." Then followed by Luke "He dreamed about you last night. He kept shouting your name and shit..."
(Jonathan's P.O.V)
Hearing that Evan has been having at least one dream about me makes me blush...A lot..."Do you guys mind if I go see him...?" They shake their heads. I go to Evan's room and knock on the door "It's open!" I hear Evan shout. I walk in and watch him as he talks on the phone to someone. "Yeah, that's great. Okay, bye." He hangs up "What was that about...?" I ask. "It was just my mum, she's thinking about coming at some point." I smile "You'll have to introduce us and we can---" I'm cut off by Evan "Jonathan...Do you think we're dating...?" My smile slowly fades and I nod slowly "Well yeah...Why...?" I hear his faint sigh "I...Didn't think we were...Or are...I kinda just assumed we would sort it out together..." I nod and sit next to him "Well do you want to be with me...?" He nods "W-well...Yeah but..." I look down "B-but...?" Evan sighs "I...Tyler...Emotions...Confused..." By those four simple words, I work out that he likes Tyler too but is confused with who he wants..."I...Get it...Well, it's your choice..." He hugs me "Thanks..." I nod and hug him back "I'm...Going to go get some lunch..." I go to the kitchen.
(Tyler's P.O.V)
I go to the kitchen to get a drink and see Jonathan getting some food "Hey Jonathan." He nods to me as in saying hi. "You okay?" He nods again. "Okay...Nice talk..." I walk away in silence...He seems too quiet...He'll be fine though...I think...I hope...

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