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(May contain swearing)
(Tyler's P.O.V)
I'm so weird...I wake up on the floor next to the couch "Morning Tyler." I jump up looking at Ryan. "Why was I on the floor...?" He laughs "You fell of the couch and I didn't want to wake you up so didn't try to get you back up." I nod slowly "Have you been awake this entire time...?" He shakes his head "Nope. I fell asleep at about 11 O'clock." I nod "Okay..." I look around then back at Ryan "I'm...Going to go take a shower or whatever..." He nods "Okay. Talk to you later then." I walk off to my room to get my towel and shit.
(Jonathan's P.O.V)
I wake up next to Evan who is facing away from me while sleeping peacefully. I smile slightly and play with his hair as I sit up. He turns around with with his eyes still closed "Let me sleep..." I look at him "Huh...Oh...Sorry..." I take my hand away from him and he doesn't reply. "Evan...?" He still doesn't reply "Evan?" He still doesn't reply. "I guess he was just sleep talking then..." I go to get up but feel him grab my arm "Huh...?" I look at him as he sits up. I look into Evan's eyes "Were you just sleep talking or not...?" I ask. He shrugs "Maybe..." He has a little smile on his face. "Okay..." I go to get up again but he kisses me gently on the cheek which makes me stay still.
(Evan's P.O.V)
I kiss Jonathan on the cheek attempting to make him stay in bed a bit longer without actually having to ask. I lay back down and he does the same still looking at me. I smile slightly and he smiles back "Still tired?" He asks. I shrug "Maybe a little." He laughs "Well try get more rest then." I nod "Can you stay though...?" He nods back "Sure." I lay my head on his chest "Thanks..." He doesn't reply but goes back to playing with my hair. Just as I'm about to fall asleep someone knocks on the door causing me to sit up. "I'll get it Ev." Jonathan gets up, goes to the door and opens it "Jonathan put a shirt on!" I hear Smitty shout. Jonathan rolls his eyes with a laugh "I bet if you were looking at Tyler, Scotty or Evan you wouldn't be saying that. All Smitty can do is blush. "Hm...Should we try that out?" I interupt with a giggle as I tease Smitty. "Be my guest." Jonathan says as he moves out of the doorway. I walk over to Smitty with a smirk "Good morning Smitty." Smitty looks me up and down then stares at the ground "Uh...Hey..." Jonathan looks at me "Such a tease am I right Smitty?" I cross my arms and lean against the doorway so Jonathan and Smitty can see one another. "Y-yeah..." Smitty replies with. I smirk "Awesome. I'm a good flirt and a tease. Best combination ever." Jonathan's looks at me "Should I be worried...?" Smitty and I laugh "Anyway. I was just checking if you guys were awake. And if you guys were okay from yesterday." Jonathan's nods "Check and maybe a check." Smitty nods slowly "Okay. Well good." I cover my mouth as I yawn "Tired Evan?" Smitty carries on. I shrug "A little. I was about to go back to sleep until you a came." He looks at me then Jonathan "Yeah...Sleep..." He laughs "Smitty!" Jonathan laughs too but I don't. I just look down. "Hm...Anyways I won't stop you from resting. Goodnight I guess." I nod "Mhm. Thanks." Jonathan closes the door as Smitty walks off.
(Luke's P.O.V)
I laugh at Smitty "What's so funny?" I look at him "Oh nothing." I move past him "Luke! Tell me!" I shake my head "Nope. Nothing at all." I snicker. "Luke!" I roll my eyes "Sh. Evan's trying to sleep." He sighs "And?" I look at him again "You clearly like him as you 'swooned' at him being topless." Smitty punches me in the arm "Luke! No I like Tyler! We already established this!" I nod "Mhm. But you can still like other people, duh." He doesn't respond this time. "Told you." Smitty looks at the ground "Oh well...It doesn't matter, I'm with Tyler anyways." I nod "Good for you." He nods "Thanks." I bow "You're welcome."
(Ryan's P.O.V)
I listen to Smitty and Luke "Get a room you two!" I laugh as I shout. "EW! NO!" Luke shouts. I laugh more "Poor Smitty." Smitty nods "Thanks. Mhm. Now I know where I stand." Luke laughs "Yup totally love you. Mhm." He rolls his eyes. I smile "Maybe you do." Smitty looks at Luke then back at me "...No. Just no." I shrug "Maybe..." Luke picks up Smitty and spins him around "See. Love you." He sarcastically says with a laugh. I get jealous a bit...But who can blame me? "Um. Where's my hugs and shit?" Luke puts Smitty down "Ow...Tight grip..." I laugh "Hm...Maybe not then." Luke and Smitty join in laughing. "Sorry I'm actually stronger then I look." I roll my eyes "He isn't. He's as strong as he looks which is...Pretty strong." I watch Luke as he blushes slightly. Smitty laughs "Now you guys should get a room." I look at Smitty "Maybe...Or maybe you and Evan should get a room." Smitty shouts "Fuck off with that already!" Luke and I laugh more.
(Tyler's P.O.V)
I hear Smitty shouting and go through to the lounge "Why are you shouting?" Smitty, Luke and Ryan look at me. Smitty stutters "T-tyler..." I nod slowly "Yeah I have a towel on get a grip." Like a little bitch Luke is he pushes Smitty towards me causing him to stumble and land on top of me. "Gah! LUKE!" Smitty shouts. I look at Smitty who is blushing a rose red. "Ugh...Could you maybe get off...?" He quickly gets up and helps me up "S-sorry yeah..." I take his hand and stand up straight "You guys should get a room." Ryan finally speaks. "I'm...Just going to go get dressed...Stop shouting by the way!" I walk off.
(Smitty's P.O.V)
"Luke! Why would you do that?!" I shout more. "What? I wanted to because you guys need to act like a couple more..." Ryan nods "Exactly." I sigh "This is his first time dating a guy...I'm not going to push anything on him if he doesn't want it." Luke nods slowly "Mhm. Have fun with that." Ryan elbows Luke "That's cute that you're putting him before yourself." I nod "I guess." Luke rolls his eyes "I'm going to go to bed." He walks off. "Just ignore him. Give Tyler his time. He'll come around eventually." I nod again "I know. Thanks."
(Evan's P.O.V)
I try and sleep but can't so I look at Jonathan who has now fallen asleep. "Awe..." I whisper. I get up and can't be bothered putting shirt on so leave it behind as I go to the lounge. I stand behind Smitty and poke him "Hey Ryan, Smitty." Smitty jumps "Gah! Hey." I laugh "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." Ryan looks at me "How's the stomach?" I nod "A bit of pain but it's better that's why I took the bandage off...Obviously." Ryan laughs "Sorry I wasn't looking at your stomach." I smile "See Smitty? He respects my body." I laugh. Smitty rolls his eyes "Give me a break..." Ryan laughs more "Why? We're you topless and he looked at you?" I nod "Pretty much." Ryan nods "Smitty! Have some respect." Smitty huffs "Just. Sh." He walks off. I laugh more along with Ryan. I sit down next to Ryan "So...How are you? " I ask him. He nods "I'm fine. How about you?" I nod back "I'm alright." Jonathan comes through and jumps on my lap "Morning!" Ryan and I laugh. I look at Jonathan seeing that he's still topless too I look only at his face. I then look around "Who's up for a game?" Ryan says "Sure." Jonathan replies. "Evan?" Ryan looks at me. I look at Ryan "Ugh...No thanks. I might go back to bed, go on my phone or record." Jonathan nods "If you're sure." I nod "Yup." Just yup...

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