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(May contain swearing)
(Evan's P.O.V)
Why now?! I look at both of them...Maybe if I fake faint or some shit like that they'll not think about it right now...? I don't know! I look down and rub the back of my neck "I...Ugh...I..." I can't...I feel frozen..."Ev...Are you okay...?" I feel a hand upon my shoulder and look up to see Jonathan "It's okay...We didn't mean to pressure you...Just...Think about it some more then...Okay...?" I nod slowly...I watch Tyler as he stares at the ground..."O-okay...Thanks..." I watch Tyler leave quietly...Jonathan goes to the door then turns back to me "You coming...?" I shake my head slightly "Okay..." He closes the door behind him as he leaves. I sigh "I need to actually think about this don't I...?" I sit down on the bed "Jonathan's always there for me and so is Tyler...They're both sweet..." I look at the ground "This isn't helping...They're both basically perfect..."
(Ryan's P.O.V)
I hear Evan talking to himself so I enter his room "What's up?" I ask him as he jumps up as if doing something wrong..."N-nothing..." I close the door behind me and sigh "Tell me what's bothering you then." Evan nods slowly "I'm just trying to figure out who I love more...Like fuck..." I nod "Jonathan and Tyler? Well, who's been there for you the longest...?" Evan thinks "I think it was Jonathan..." I nod slowly "Who have you loved the longest...?" Evan looks at me "Jonathan..." I watch him as he blushes "So...Who are you going to pick...?" Evan smiles "Tyler." I look at him "Wait for what?" He laughs "I'm kidding...I...Think Jonathan..." I nod "Then tell them that." I watch him leave the room and I follow him.
(Luke's P.O.V)
I watch Evan come through to the lounge as he makes his way over to Jonathan. I can't hear him as he whispers but I watch them kiss and guess that means he loves Jonathan and not Tyler or whatever. Evan looks at Tyler "I...I pick Jonathan...I'm sorry it's just--" Tyler interrupts him "Ev, it's fine honestly. I don't mind. He's who you love and as long as you're happy that's fine with me." Evan hugs Tyler then let's go of him. I go to say something but I stop myself...Ever since I hurt Ryan I just haven't spoken to anyone really...I'm afraid of judgment...Afraid on how they'll act towards me...Fuck...I go to my room.
(Smitty's P.O.V)
I follow Luke into his room "What's wrong?" I ask him. "Nothing." He just replies with. "Luke. Tell me." He shakes his head "I don't need to tell you..." I sigh "Luke...Please..." I feel Luke's hot, heavy breathe on my skin..."I just...I don't know...I just hate myself right now I guess..." I look into his eyes "Why...?" He turns away from me "Getting angry easily? Hurting Ryan?...He cried onto my shoulder for nearly an hour yesterday...That would've been my fault..." I nod slowly "Would've been? He didn't tell you why he was sad?" He shakes his head "Can I just...Be alone please...?" I nod "Okay...Fine..." I leave his room with a heavy sigh.
(Tyler's P.O.V)
I look out of the window completely in a daze..."Tyler?" I faintly hear. I watch someone wave their hand in front of my face "Tyler!" I shake myself back to reality..."Huh...?" I look at Ryan "Jeez...You are terrible for daydreaming huh?" I shake my head "I rarely do it..." He nods slowly "Anyways...You okay?" I nod "I'm fine. You okay?" He nods "I'm alright." I nod back at him "So..." Ryan looks at me "So...Wanna play a game...?" I nod "Sure."
(Jonathan's P.O.V)
I sit next to Evan on the couch...We don't act like a couple...We don't hold hands or cuddle...We just sit there...It's weird..." So..." Evan says so he grabs my hand "What'd you wanna do?" I look at our hands then into his eyes...I can't help but slightly blush "I don't mind..." I say..."I still owe you something though don't I...?" Evan gulps "Hah...I...Ugh..." I giggle "I know...When you're ready...I'll be waiting..." He nods "T-thanks..." I nod and lay my head on his shoulder...I feel like I could lay my head here forever...And ever...

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