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(May contain swearing)
(Smitty's P.O.V)
I need it...I wake up to my phone buzzing...I sit up and check my phone blinking at the blaring screen I see Tyler's name pop up on my notifications. I rub my eyes, yawn then check the text 'You up?' I sigh 'I am now, what's up?' He replies 'Oh. Sorry. And nothing I just miss you is all I guess...' I smile slightly 'I miss you too.' I yawn again 'You okay?' He asks and I nod 'Just a bit tired that's all. ' He messages back 'Oh, I'll leave you be then. Try to get some more rest.' I sigh 'Thanks...' I turn my phone on silent and go back to sleep.
(Evan's P.O.V)
I sit at my desk staring at my screen but nothing more. 'Wanna play?' I see Luke, Jonathan, Ryan and Tyler in a group chat that they added me to for some random reason. I don't answer not knowing if they mean me or what. 'Evan?' Ryan messages. I nod 'Sure.' We all get into a call and play 'Dead By Daylight'. I hear Jonathan scream "SHE'S AFTER ME! SHE'S GOT ME! HELP!" Everyone laughs except me. Hearing his voice makes me want to cry and I don't know why. I feel some tears trickle down my cheek...I don't say anything. I just leave. I wipe my weary eyes and sigh. I get a message just from Jonathan 'Why'd you leave? Everyone's worried about you from it.' I message him back 'I don't feel like it right now, sorry. I'll be on later though.' But I won't be. I lay in bed and go on Netflix.
(Ryan's P.O.V)
I sigh "Why would he just leave like that...? It's not like him at all..." Tyler replies "I don't think he enjoys being alone." Luke interrupts "Maybe. What'd you think Jonathan?" Jonathan sighs deeply "He just said he's not in the mood...Maybe you're right Tyler...I don't know though..." I sigh again "Maybe you should go back and see him, Jonathan...?" Jonathan doesn't answer. Tyler sighs "Jonathan?" Jonathan disconnects. "Why is everyone so...Upset?" Luke says. I shrug "Maybe they just miss each other too much...?" Tyler replies "Yeah probably..." I nod "I...Might go for a walk. I'll talk to you guys later." I disconnect. I sigh and lay back in my chair. I just lay there.
(Jonathan's P.O.V)
I spam Evan but there's no reply "Fuck..." I sigh but then my phone pings 'Stop fucking spamming me, what?' I smile slightly 'Aye, maybe and what's up?' He replies with a 'Nothing.' I sigh 'Evan Fong I want the truth.' He answers 'You're like the first person to ever use my full name unless you count my mum...Anyway. I'm fine.' I sigh once more 'Okay. And sure whatever...' I put my phone down and look around. I lay down and go to sleep.
(Luke's P.O.V)
I sigh "So..." Tyler starts to say "Um...Whatcha wanna do?" He asks. I shrug "I...Don't mind." I look around "Um..." I roll my eyes "This is awkward because we hardly talk so if you want to just leave then go ahead." He stays online "Well I mean yeah but it doesn't mean I want to go...Want to play GTA 5?" I smile slightly "Sure."
(Tyler's P.O.V)
After playing with Luke I leave and text Smitty 'Still asleep?' I then put my phone in my pocket and get out of my chair. I go outside and sit on my front step with a sigh as the wind howls. I just sit here wondering why everyone is so unhappy.
(Jonathan's P.O.V)
After about 5 hours of me sleeping, I wake up to the doorbell. "Who the fuck could this be...?" I go to the door and open it to reveal Luke. "You seemed a bit unhappy before and I wanted to give you your space but are you okay?" I nod with a sigh "I'm fine." He laughs "What? Were you expecting Evan?" I shrug "Maybe..." He rolls his eyes and moves out of the way to reveal Evan. "Ugh...Heh...Ev...Hey..." Evan sighs "I...Ugh...Totally didn't miss you so much that I wanted to come here..." He laughs slightly "It's crazy I know...But I have a reason!" I watch him pull out my mask from his bag "See?" I smile and put my mask on "Thanks! And you aren't that crazy." I hug him and he hugs me back. I look around to see that Luke has already gone. I let go of Evan "So...Is that all you came here for...?" I joke. He rolls his eyes while smiling "Maybe...Maybe not..." He lifts my mask up and kisses me while using his tongue. I pull away from him "Ew! Tongue!" I laugh and so does he "I don't like kissing with tongues...It's weird." Evan nods "Okay...Fair enough." I smile slightly "Oh...Ugh, you probably want to come in right...?" He laughs "Nah its fine. I love it outdoors." He jokes. I pull him inside and close the door behind him...With a slight smile.

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