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(May contain swearing)
(Tyler's P.O.V)
I hope...I go and sit on the couch next to Ryan "Anyone know what's up with Jonathan? He seems really quiet." Luke shrugs "Maybe something Evan said? I don't know." Evan comes through "I heard my name?" Ryan nods "What'd you say to Jonathan?"
(Evan's P.O.V)
I sigh "I asked him about...Us...And I said I need time to think basically..." Tyler asks "Think about what?" Smitty laughs "He's blushing. Tyler he probably loves you." I know he's being sarcastic but I can't help but blush more...Tyler's blushing too so I guess it fine..."He's not denying it..." Ryan states. "He does like Tyler." Jonathan says as he walks in. We all look over at him "You okay...?" I ask Jonathan trying to change the subject quickly..."Mhm..." Is all he answers with. I sigh. I can tell from his voice he's not fine...I hope it's not what I said..."How would you know Jonathan?" Luke asks. Jonathan looks over at me "He told me, duh." I look down when he looks at me...He's acting like I've ruined his life or something..."Evan?" I faintly hear...It's more like a whisper to me but to everyone else it's not..."Ev? Owl Boy?" My mind stops wandering and I look up to see Jonathan right in front of me. "You okay there Ev? You like zoned out for a second there." Tyler says. I nod still looking at Jonathan..."I'm...Just tired...I'll talk to you guys later..." I go to my room and close the door behind me.
(Jonathan's P.O.V)
I sigh and turn to everyone else where they just stare at where Evan was "What's up with him...?" Luke asks. "No idea." Ryan replies. Smitty sighs "Was it something we said? Did we like...Pressure him too much?" Tyler shakes his head "That never really happens to Evan...It's...Weird..." I lean on the back of the couch...Maybe it's my fault. "Could it be my fault...?" Ryan hugs me from behind "No! It's not your fault at all! Don't think like that!" I nod slowly...His comfort is nice...I feel myself smile slightly. "Hah! He's smiling!" Smitty says as everyone else laughs including me. "Tyler maybe you should go check on him." I say. "M-me...? But you two are closer!" I nod "Yeah but I've already talked to him..." Tyler sighs "Why not Ryan, Luke or Smitty then?!" Everyone shakes his head "Nope. You can go Tyler." Luke says.
(Tyler's P.O.V)
"Fine..." I go to Evan's room and can hear him speaking to himself faintly..."Is it my fault...?" I hear before I walk in "Is what your fault...?" Evan looks at me I can tell he's not very happy that I eavesdropped on him but I didn't mean to..."Nothing..." I sigh "I thought you were going to sleep anyways..." I state. He sighs heavily "I wanted to think, okay?" I nod slowly "Well yeah...But you don't need to lie...What do you think is your fault?" He looks down "Why Jonathan seems unhappy..." I nod "And why do you think that...?" He stares at the ground "Because I told him I kinda like you...But I like him too...So I'm confused...And fuck..." I hug him "That wouldn't get him down. He should understand that." I can feel Evan tense up a bit but slowly embrace me..."Yeah...Thanks..." I smile and let go of him "It's no problem! Come on we got him smiling and everything!" I watch Evan as he shakes his head slowly "No...I actually am tired still...I'm going to try and get some more rest..." I nod "Okay...Good night then..." I walk out and close the door behind me.
(Ryan's P.O.V)
"Smitty don't lie! We all know you love Tyler!" Luke shouts. I watch Tyler come through "What the fuck is going on...?" Luke shouts "Smitty loves you and is lying to us all!" Smitty shakes his head "Fuck off Luke!" Luke goes to hit Smitty so I hold him back "Calm the fuck down! Smitty just tell the truth!" I shout. Smitty stands up and goes to his room. "Ryan get off of me!" Luke shouts "Not until you calm down!" I shout back. Jonathan looks at Luke "Luke. I am your father...Now calm the fuck down." Tyler laughs. I carry on holding Luke..."Fuck you Jonathan!" He gets out of my grip and punches me in the nose. I hold my nose as I look down "I...Didn't mean it...Ryan...I'm sorry..." I stare at the ground as I feel the blood fill up in my hands "It's...Fine..." I say. Tyler runs over to me with some tissue and hands it to me. I hold it to my nose and hold my head back. "I'll just..." Luke walks off with tears filling his eyes.
(Smitty's P.O.V)
I hear shouting then stop...I go back to the lounge where I see Jonathan grabbing tissue and Tyler comforting Ryan "What the fuck happened...?" I ask. Tyler looks at me "Luke punched him in the nose..." I sigh..."Why?" Tyler shrugs "He was just trying to calm Luke down and he kinda just...Snapped..." Jonathan hands Ryan more tissues "He wouldn't normally do something like this...It only happens when he sometimes hides his emotions for too long..." I sigh "I hope he'll be okay...I mean Ryan and Luke..." They nod "Yeah...Same here..." Jonathan and Tyler say. I hear Ryan mumble "Huh...?" Ryan speaks louder "I'm fine...It was just an accident..." I nod "We know...But it doesn't mean you are all right..." Ryan takes the tissues from his nose slowly, there's still a bit of blood but none coming out anymore. "See? I'm fine..." I roll my eyes "Whatever..." Jonathan grabs him another tissue which he uses to wipe the last bit of blood away from his face. "We should give Luke some time..." Tyler states. "Yeah he needs to calm down a bit." Jonathan replies. Ryan sighs "He's not an animal he'll be fine...We'll all be fine..." I watch Ryan get up and walk off. "He's not okay...You can tell..." I say and they nod in agreement. "'We all need to stop lying to each other.' He says. Look at us now." Jonathan says as he sighs. Tyler shakes his head "I think we're hiding more secrets than we were before he said that..." I nod "This is stupid that we can't even trust each other though...." They nod in agreement again. "No more secrets..." Jonathan says. We nod along to him "I promise." I say. Tyler nods "I promise." Then Jonathan says "I promise too..." no more secrets then...No more...

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