Chapter 16

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Haru woke up somewhere he didn't recognize. His lavender eyes dart around nervously. It looked like his kidnappers didn't realize he was awake. He had to act fast. He Summons Aoda and promptly passes out again. It took so much chakra to summon the giant serpent and it was just too much strain for his young chakra network.

"Dammit! We should have bound the kid's hands!" Zaku growls and looks at the massive summon in terror.

How the fuck were they going to deal with a snake the size of a two or three story building? His employees, if you could call them that, usually captured their prey by drugging them. Most were not combat fighters. And they were going to need combat fighters to deal with THAT.

"Master Sasuke?" Aoda calls out.

Sasuke was wrong. He didn't sense Master Sasuke at all. He looks around in confusion and sees the Hatchling. He was unconscious. Well it didn't take a genius to figure out that Haru was in trouble and had summoned him for help.

"You will put Master Haru down immediately." He hisses.

"Zaku! What do we do?" The leader of the Black Market Dealers hears one of his followers cry out desperately.

"You damn idiots. Kill the snake!" He growls.

"You really should get a nicer master." Aoda observes as he swings his mighty tail at them.

"You know he's right, you are a jerk sometimes!" One says.

"QUIET!" Zaku snaps.

Meanwhile Sasuke returns to his home. He found Hinata unconscious. Sasuke rushes to her side.

"Hinata! Wake up!" He says, cradling her in his arms.

"Sasuke?" She asks and her eyes were unfocused from the effects of the sleeping gas.

"Yes, it's me. What happened?" He asks and holds her tightly, afraid to let her go.

"We were attacked. Sleeping gas. There were a lot of them. Where's Haru?" She looks around for her son and then her eyes widen in horror.

"They took him!" She says.

"I'll get him back. I promise. Naruto stay with Hinata." He says, as the blonde comes into view.

"You got it! Don't worry. I'll protect her." His best friend assures Sasuke and stands next to Hinata protectively.

"I'll fix this. I promise I will." He tells Hinata, kissing her forehead, and then darts off like a bat straight out of Hell.

"Sasuke, slow down. You'll need help if you are going to follow that trail." He hears another voice call out a few minutes later.

"Hiashi." He says suspiciously and eyes the Hyuga Patriarch with distaste.

"We may not like each other. But that is my grandson and your son whose life might very well be at stake. For his sake, just this once we will have to work together. The Byakugan is better at tracking than the Sharingan." He says.

"Do it." Sasuke tells him.

"I see him! Your snake is there as well. There are a lot of men. I'd estimate at least a hundred. About a mile due East of here." He states.

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