Prologue-Down the Rabbits Hole

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"Come on Lily!" Kagome, my best friend, yelled at me as she hurried off toward the street." W-wait up!" I stuttered breathlessly as I tried to catch up with her. My name is Lily Stone. I'm from America. I have long dark brown hair and stunning baby blue eyes. Or so I've been told. I'm very shy and nice even though some people don't deserve my kindness. My parents and little brother died in a car crash, which cause me to move here to Japan. I have been friends with Kagome a long time. Even before my family died. We had been online friends and her mother agreed to take me in after the crash. She stopped running and turned to me, hands on her hips and an angry look on her face. I came to a halt as our faces were so close." Maybe if you hadn't stopped to get breakfast, we wouldn't be late." She said. I stuttered." B-but I c-can't miss breakfast. I-it's the most important-" Kagome interrupted me with a smile."-important meal of the day. So you say." She says. I sighed in relief." Now come on!" I yelped as she pulls me toward the school.

I sighed as I laid my head down on my desk. My friends were questioning Kagome as always. For the past few months, Kagome had been "getting sick " and making excuses like a fake disease. I never knew why but she would always sneak off and disappear for weeks. Her mother would always make excuses like "she's at a friends house" or "she's out having an adventure." She made another excuse and the girls became worried." Kagome, you've been getting sick a lot." They said, worriedly." Yeah, maybe you should take it easy for a while." They said. I sighed. I had to find out what Kagome was hiding. It was going to bother me if I don't. After school, I will follow her and see what she's hiding.

"Bye, mom! Bye Sota!" Kagome called out to her mother and brother. Now is my chance. I watched her enter the shrine and I followed. I looked inside and saw her about to jump into her family well. Is she insane?! I ran in and watched her jump. I reached out for her sleeve and I almost got it. I felt a suddenly force pull me inside the well. And just like that I was screaming through the darkness.

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