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Marli's POV
I woke up to Jack next to me, we were flying out to Ohio today. I got up and walked over to the bathroom. I showered, brushed my teeth, got dressed and did my hair and makeup -

I came out and saw my suitcase near the door but I don't remember bringing my stuff for Ohio to Jake's

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I came out and saw my suitcase near the door but I don't remember bringing my stuff for Ohio to Jake's... just then Jake walked in.
Jake- "Hey sis, I brought your suitcase and Jack's over here because you and Jack can just come to the airport with us."
M- "okay thank you"
He smiled and walked back out. Jack opened his eyes slowly, I went back down to him and cuddled him.
J- "I have to go, I have to get my bags"
M- "don't worry, Jake brought everything here, we're riding with him to the airport"
J- "ok babe" he kissed my head and walked over to the shower.
While waiting for Jack, I went downstairs to make breakfast. I made waffles for everyone.
Jake- "I want them nowwww"
Anthony- "not if I get there first"
Ray- "NOPE"
Then I heard four bodies stumble down the stairs. They ran to the kitchen and took every waffle on the plate. Lucky I left myself, Erika and Jack a plate. Jack came down and wrapped his arms around me, he started kissing my neck until Jake, Chance, Anthony and Ray dropped their waffles and stood up. Jack put his arms up in surrender and they laughed. I giggled and turned to give Jack his waffles, he smiled, kissed my cheek and went and sat next to Ray. I handed Erika hers and went and sat in between Jack and Chance. It was 11am and our flight was at 1 so we had to leave soon so we ordered an uber. We all packed our bags into the van. In the front was Jake and Erika, then Jack, Ray and I, and then Chance and Anthony in the very back. I connected my phone and started playing music. Jack put his arm around me and I cuddled into his chest, Ray noticed and pulled me into his arms.
R- "that's my little sister"
M- "Ray, I love you, but you're acting like Jake"
Jake turned around
Jake- "HEY!"
I hugged Ray but went back to Jack.
We finally arrived at the airport and saw Logan, Lydia and Brendan standing at the door. We all bundled out of the van and met up with the others.
*on the plane*
I was sitting in between Jack and Lydia. Jack and I were listening to music and Lydia was doing something for Logan on her laptop.
*skip plane ride*
Once we were out of the airport, I was frantically looking around for my mom.
Then I saw her.
M- "MOM!"
I ran up and hugged her, she hugged back.
Mom- "My baby!"
Jake and Logan came up behind.
Jake- "babies mom"
Mom let go of me and hugged Logan and Jake. Then Jack followed behind. I pulled him over to me.
M- "Mooooom, this is Jack"
She pulled him into a hug
Mom- "Jack! So nice to finally meet you! Thank you for making my baby happy"
J- "Nice to meet you too Ms Stepnick, and I should be thanking her for making me so happy"
Mom- "Please honey, call me Pam"
She smiled and Jack put his arm around me. We all walked to the car, Logan was in the passenger seat and Jake, Jack as I were in the back. Brandon, Ray and Lydia were taking an uber and Chance and Anthony were going to their parent's houses.
Our mom still didn't know that we were having a mini party for her birthday. For her birthday, I got her a charm bracelet, along with a few charms.
We finally got back home, I ran out of the car and grabbed my bags. We walked up to the door and my mum unlocked it. Logan and I ran upstairs and into our old rooms, I jumped onto my old bed. I missed my room. I got up and walked over to my feature wall, it had pictures all over it, pictures of my brothers and I, Kayla and I and some other friends. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I turned and faced Jack and quickly kissed his cheek.
We walked downstairs together and sat at the bench while my mum was fixing something.
Mom- "honey, everyone is coming over later for dinner but I forgot some things for salad, could you run to the store for me please?"
M- "sure mom. Jack wanna come?"
J- "sure babe"
We hopped into the car and drove to the store. When we got out, we ran into the store and made a game plan.
J- "okay you ready?"
M- "I've been training for this my whole life"
J- "okay, 1. 2. 3. GO"
We split and I ran to get the salad, I don't know what Jack was getting, because he wasn't near any vegetables. I got every item I thought we might need and met back at the starting point. I saw Jack running back, but his basket wasn't full of salad, it was full of candy, chocolate, chips and soda.
M- "Jack what is all this?" I said laughing
J- "some stuff for our date tonight..."
M- "date?"
J- "yep"
We walked to the register and paid for everything. When we got in the car I wanted to drive and show Jack somewhere. We stopped in a car park of a forest. I took him further into the forest. After about 10minutes of walking, we arrived. It was an old treehouse, in the midst of the woods.
M- "My dad made this treehouse with my brothers and I for my birthday one year, but when social media took over, everyone seemed to forget about this place except for me. I did everything here. I used to write songs here, I taught myself how to play guitar down by that tree. Down over there, I made that skate ramp and used to skate for hours trying to master new tricks. And then, when Logan and Jake moved, I had no one, my friends all turned on me, people said I was nothing without my brothers, and I believed them. I would spend every free minute here, all my memories are here, and I want you to be a part of it"
He looked at me, his eyes were glossy but he smashed his lips onto mine, I kissed back and we slowly parted.
J- "Marli I love you more than words can describe"
M- "I love you"
We walked back to the car, hand in hand. I felt so much better telling someone about this place.
When we got back home, I immediately went up to Jake and Logan and hugged them.
M- "I love you guys and I am so grateful for everything you've done for me"
Logan- "Marls we will always be here for you, we love you"
Jake- "you're our little sister, we're always going to protect you"
Chance and Anthony and their families arrived first, and then Ray, Lydia and Brendan. We had an amazing night filled with laughter and love. This was my family.

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