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Marli's POV
I woke up with a hangover. Again. I look to my right and see Jack still asleep. Lydia burst in with waffles and smoothies, our traditional hangover cure, she saw Jack and burst out laughing.
L- "label?"
M- "I can't remember, but I had a dream he asked me to be his girlfriend, and I said yes"
I felt a warm breath on my shoulder.
J- "not a dream baby"
L- "This is too cute, I'll go make extra food for Jack and I'll be back"
She smiled and went downstairs, Jack held me by the waist and started kissing my neck.
J- "I'm so glad you're mine again"
M- "me too"

*two hours later*
We finished breakfast and Jack had to go to rehearsals, thanksgiving was coming up, but my family doesn't really do thanksgiving, sometimes Mom and Dad will come up to see Jake, Logan and I and we might go out for dinner. I don't think we have anything planned this year.

I was meeting up with Jack in an hour as he wants to speak to me. Nerves kicking in.
I decided to pick out my outfit-

It was getting colder and I was so happy

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It was getting colder and I was so happy. Most people hate winter and love summer but I'm the opposite.

I grabbed Beau and Skadi and drove to the boy's studio, I was going to surprise them and bring them Chipotle. After getting the orders, I made my way to rehearsals. I was 10 minutes early but I'm sure they won't mind. I found my way around and saw the boys, they were on a platform, rehearsing I Depend On You, one of my favourites, I put the food down on a seat and grabbed my phone out, I recorded them singing and captioned it 'Whoever is seeing this live is uber lucky😍'. They still hadn't seen me. When they finished a man told them they could have a break.
Z- "I miss Chipotle and Marli"
M- "well it's your lucky day losers"
I came around and held up the many chipotle bags. They all swarmed me and hugged me, taking the bags. We all sat in amongst the chairs, they were silent, super hungry by the looks of it.
M- "you guys were hungry?"
Jo- "none of us had breakfast except for Jack"
M- "you guys should start coming over in the morning, I can make you food, especially if you have rehearsals"
C- "thanks M"
Jack finished and looked at me
M- "shoot"
J- "are you going home for thanksgiving?"
M- "nope, I think I'll just be eating pie, watching The Vampire Diaries at Jake's again this year"
J- "well, would you like to come to see my family with me?"
M- "I would love to! But I don't want to interrupt"
J- "are you kidding? My mom and sisters have been bugging me to meet you since we met"
I blushed at the thought of his family wanting to meet me.
J- "will you come?"
M- "of course"
He hugged me and pecked my lips.
C- "now since you're agreeing to meet people, Ashley is DYING to meet you, she texts me every night asking"
D- "same with Anna"
Jo- "Svea and Esther won't shut up about it"
Z- "Reece keeps planning shopping trips with Svea, Isla and you"
M- "awh I want to meet everyone"
D- "it's hard to keep up"
M- "we will make it work, tell them I have a surprise coming soon"
They looked confused. Little did they know I was planning for all of their families to come to LA for Christmas.
M- "okay I better not keep you waiting, you guys were amazing by the way, anyone who's going to the tour is very lucky"
M- "love you more!"
I walked out and found my car, I was about to pull out until Jack came up to the window. I rolled it down.
M- "hey baby, what's up?"
J- "just letting you know that we're leaving in two days, sorry for the short notice"
M- "it's fine, I'll talk to you later"
I kissed him and he ran back inside. I drove to Jake's as I haven't seen him since I moved back with Logan.
When I pulled up everyone was outside vlogging. Jake saw my car.
I hopped out and ran up to him.
Ray, Chance and Anthony swarmed me with hugs, asking how I was. I assured them I was fine.
R- "that Jack dude has been back here, asking for you"
M- "Gilinsky?"
C- "yeah, but we didn't tell him"
M- "when was the last time he was here?"
A- "yesterday"
I sighed and went inside. I pulled out some cake from the fridge and started eating it. Jake came in.
J- "little Marli has found the cake"
M- "didn't take me long"
J- "speaking of food, are you just going to chill here on Thanksgiving? Everyone else is going home but Logan and Kong are coming here..."
M- "Actually, I've been invited to Jack's thanksgiving"
J- "woah Marli's meeting her future mother and father in law"
I slapped his arm.
He went outside laughing, playing with Beau, Skadi, Athena, Veha and Apollo.
R- "Honestly, if everyone keeps getting more dogs I'm going to get my own"
M- "Ray you totally should"
R- "maybe"
I went over to the couch with my cake and turned on the tv.


I had to pack. I went outside and yelled bye to everyone. I couldn't see them but I heard them. They screamed back. I got Beau and Skadi in the car and drove back home. When we walked in, Beau and Skadi went right up to my room, they don't normally. I went in and Christina was sitting on my bed.
M- "CHRISTINA! What are you doing here!!"
C- "I came to see you and Corbs before I go home"
M- "I missed you! How'd you get here?"
C- "I missed you too! And I had some help" she pointed to my closet.
Out came Chantel, Alissa and Lydia. Beau and Skadi ran to them. I rolled my eyes playfully and hugged them.

Ch- "our little Marli is meeting the parents... LET'S PACK"

the flame in the snow // jack averyWhere stories live. Discover now