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Marli's POV

I'm finally back in Los Angeles, Jack and I flew in last night and went straight back to his place. Now I'm laying awake, sitting here, thinking about my future. Without my friend and family, I would've never been here today, modelling, going on tour, and starting a family with the guy I love. The public don't know about Jack and I, we want to keep it private for as long as possible. Jack is rustling next to me and his eyes slowly open to meet mine. 

J- "Hey baby"

M- "Hey"

He came over and kissed my cheek, then I reached over and grabbed my phone. I saw Kian and JC posted a new video, so of course, I watched it. 

M- "Do you think they know that the Corbyn they were talking about was Besson?"

J- "Nope" He laughed. 

We got up and Jack had a shower, while he was in the shower I did my makeup and got changed:

We got up and Jack had a shower, while he was in the shower I did my makeup and got changed:

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After I was finished I went downstairs to see Corbyn and Dani sitting on the couch. 

D- "Finally, we've been waiting for you for hours"

M- "oh sorry, Jack's almost done"

C- "Not him, you, we want to hang out with our best friend"

M- "Awh, well, what are we doing?"

D- "We're taking you on a photoshoot"

M- "Oooh I love taking pictures"

C- "No silly, this time you're getting photos for Instagram"

M- "Buuuut so are you two" 

D- "I guess so"

We laughed and heard Jack come down. 

J- "Hey guys"

C&D- "Hey"

J- "I heard your taking my girlfriend out?"

C- "You mean our  best friend?"

M- "Guys"

D- "Sorry mom"

M- "No"

J- "Whatever, have fun baby"

D- "Thanks babe"

M- "I've always loved Janiel"

J- "No"

We were laughing again until I felt Corbyn lift me up and run outside to the car. I screamed and heard Jack from inside. 

J- "Have fun baby"

I blew him a kiss and turned back to Daniel who was opening the car door. Corbyn sat me down in the passenger seat, Dani got in the back and he started driving. We drove for a while before coming to the pink wall. We got out and Corbyn grabbed my camera. Daniel and I posed and Corbyn was acting like a photographer. 

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