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Marli's POV
I rushed up to my room. I gathered myself, blink back tears and went over to my closet. I threw my clothes into boxes but I couldn't do it. I needed to cry one more time, one more time before I become strong. I felt empty, angry. Do I have a huge sign on my forehead saying 'Cheat on Me'? A familiar pair of arms wrapped around me. I cried into his chest.
M- "he cheated on me, just like you"
I got up out of his grip and stared at him.
J- "I have no excuse, but just know that no matter what happens, I will always love you and I hope that one day you can forgive me"
M- "J-Jack, even though you have hurt me, I will never stop loving you, it's always been you. This -"
I said pointing to myself.
M- "this is not me, boring brown hair, no piercings, no music in my life, living with Jake, I love him but I miss Logan, I miss my old room, I miss the boys, I miss you."
J- "I miss us"
He pulled me close again. I gave in, as much as I didn't want to admit it, I needed him. He put two fingers under my chin and raised my head, my eyes met his. He kissed me. I didn't hesitate to kiss back.

Our moment was short and sweet. But not labeled. Yet again, I didn't know what Jack and I were. He helped me finish packing, he took Beau and Skadi downstairs and I went to see Jake.

M- "Jake you free?"
J- "yeah whats up sis?"
M- "I wanna say thank you for taking me in after everything that happened. Living with you and the guys have been amazing and I've loved spending time with you but -"
J- "you need to go home, I get it. You've always got a place here. We love you Marli"
I hugged him.
M- "thank you Jake, I love you"
I went downstairs and all my boxes had been loaded into a truck. I said goodbye to everyone and thanked them all. Ray drove us to Logan's. The car ride was silent. My head lay on Jonah's shoulder and Dani was rubbing my hand in his. No. This was showing weakness, I can't do that. I got up, moved my hand from Daniel's grasp and sat back in my chair. We finally arrived at Logan's and unpacked. I invited Chantel and Alissa over. I was fine, honestly. I had all my best friends with me again. Chantel quickly took me into another room where Lydia and Alissa were.
C- "Marli you need to be 100% honest with us"
A- "We all know what happened"
L- "you're our best friend, so Marli, truthfully, are you ok"
M- "no, I thought he was different. But I am feeling better, I have you guys, the WDW boys and the Pretty Much boys here with me, all my closest friends, I am happy"
They nodded and we went back downstairs. Everyone decided we were hungry.
Austin- "who's up for some food?"
Everyone "ME"
Austin- "who's coming?"
Zion, Jack, and I raised our hand. We all made our way to the car. Zion was driving, Austin was in the passenger seat and Jack and I were in the back. We were playing music, Austin and Zion were singing and Jack and I were dancing around.

Ethan's POV
I was walking down to get food for Grayson and I and I saw a car to my left that looked like Marli's car. I saw inside, her, Jack, Austin and Zion were being hilarious, I was laughing until I saw another car, heading right towards them. The moment flashed before my eyes, next thing I knew, four bodies were being hauled into ambulances. I quickly ran to the one Marli was in.
E- "Please sir let me ride with her, she's my best friend"
He let me in. I was holding onto her hand, seeing tiny breathes escape her mouth. I could see her chest rise and fall, it calmed me down, knowing she was still breathing. We arrived at the hospital and everyone was rushing around, dozens of doctors were attending to Austin, Zion, Jack and Marli. They stopped me from going with Marli.
Doc- "I'm sorry sir, she's going into emergency surgery, she can't have any distractions. Call her loved ones."
I sat down in a private waiting area, Austin, Jack and Zion were all in surgery, their rooms not far from Marli's. I called Logan first.
L- "Ethan what's up bro?"
E- "Please hurry, they wouldn't let me in, I'm so sorry I tried to be with her... I-"
L- "woah Ethan slow down"
E- "Marli, hospital"
He hung up.

Logan's POV
I can't see straight. My little Marls. Everyone was still in the living room, watching tv.
Z- "hey have you heard from the others? They're taking a while..."
L- "guys we have to go. NOW"
A- "what's up?"
L- "please just everyone get in the car"
Everyone got in the car (Alissa, Chantel, Lydia, Zach, Jonah, Corbyn, Daniel, Edwin, Brendan, Nick) but had no clue where they were going and why.

Alissa's POV
Why was Logan like this? Chantel, Lydia and I were in the car with Logan as he said 'we needed to be here first'. Nobody knew what was up with him, until we saw it.

The hospital.


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