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Marli's POV
They explained everything, the whole time they were talking, I was holding on tighter to JackG's hand. I felt numb.

Z- "Marli we're so sorry"
C- "We didn't want you to get hurt..."
M- "I understand, I'll see you guys tomorrow I guess..."
They looked shocked.
Jo- "you're still coming?"
I nodded and walked away. I felt light headed. I quickly stumbled over to the bench and sat down. I felt JackG's presence next to me.
M- "I don't know what to do"
JG- "take time, do what you need to do, you have loads of people who love you, I'm one of those people"
M- "I love you"
He kissed my head and pulled me closer to him. My heart calmed down. We walked over to my car and drove back to Jake's. I saw Logan's car in the driveway and ran into the house. I jumped onto his back and he spun me around.
Lo- "Marli, I've missed you"
M- "I've missed you so much"
We continued talking until Ray told us food was here. We sat down and ate.
JG- "babe I've got to go see Johnson, I'll be back later" he kissed my cheek.
He left.
R- "so Marli, hows the tour planning coming along?"
M- "Good, I'm so excited. I can't wait to see everyone"
C- "How long since you've seen them all?"
M- "since I lived there, so a few years ago?"
A- "woah you must miss them!"
M- "a lot"
After everyone finished talking, we watched a movie, I couldn't keep my eyes open so I went up to bed. Beau and Skadi came up onto the bed and snuggled up to me. I heard G come up the stairs and he laughed when he saw the dogs and I. The dogs woke up and ran up to G. He took them over to their beds and jumped into bed. I cuddled up to his chest, I could hear him fall asleep but I couldn't sleep knowing what happened today between the boys and I. Do I meet them tomorrow? I can't. I don't want to act tough. They hurt me, again. Before I fell asleep I texted Dani.

Best Friend M 💜
I'm sorry Dani, I can't see you guys tomorrow. I need time.
Daniiiiii 🍉
We understand, thank you for letting us explain.
Enjoy London best friend xx

Best friend M 💜
Thank you, I'll come see you guys when I get back :)

I could finally sleep.

Daniel's POV
D- "guys she's not coming"
Ja- "we messed up"
Corbyn stormed out, Zach and I followed him.
C- "we hurt her, she'll never forgive us now. She was my best friend, and now she can't even look at me"
D- "Hey, I get it, we all lost her, as a best friend, and a sister" I held Zach's shoulder.
We were all broken, Aspen did this to us, we had to put a stop to it.

*the next day*
Marli's POV
I woke up early to my phone ringing, it was Manager Jeff.

M- "hey MJ, whats up?"
MJ- "Marli your tour has been moved up, you're leaving in a few hours"
M- "woah okay, send me the details and I'll see you at the airport"
I hung up and ran to my closet, I grabbed out my suitcase, lucky I had almost finished packing, I put in a few other essentials and made my way downstairs. Jack followed me down.
M- "i'm sorry I have to leave so soon"
JG- "it's fine! I'll see you when you get back"
M- "I love you"
He kissed my cheek and Jake, Ray and I piled into the car. When we arrived at the airport I looked for Ethan and Grayson. I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw them, we got ready to go.

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