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Marli's POV

It's been three weeks, I've gone to the doctors and it's been confirmed. I still choose to go on with my life, but I plan to tell Logan tonight. I don't know how to act, I have taken in less jobs as I don't want to over do anything. 

It's been a long day, I've had three shoots and been in the studio for my new song. 

I got home and started making myself dinner, I set up the computer on the counter so I can continue to cook while talking. 

The ringing starts, Logan's name appears at the top. 

L- "Hey Marls, how are you doing?"

M- "Not so good"

L- "Why baby sis"

M- "I just miss everyone"

L- "We miss you too, it's not the same without you here"

M- "Logan I need to tell you something, seriously, no cameras"

He moved into his study, that's how I knew he was being serious, nobody is allowed in his study. 

L- "You can tell me anything, I will never stop loving you Marls"

M- "L-Logan, I'm- pregnant"

L- "Congrats Marls!! That's amazing! Is Jack the dad? Aw you would make amazing parents"

M- "Logan, Jack is the father, but you can't tell him. He doesn't need this."

L- "Marls, I love you, but you're making a mistake, he needs to know"

M- "But he doesn't, and I don't want you telling him"

L- "Of course Marls, be safe, call me if you ever need anything"

M- "I will Loges, love you"

I hung up. I felt more comfortable knowing Logan knew and didn't hate me.

Logan's POV

I knew who I had to call. I love Marli, but she will regret this. I need to help, but she won't listen to me. I know a few people who she will listen to no matter what. 

Ian and Paul. They were like her other older brothers. 

I called Paul, he understood and said he and Ian would be with her soon. 

I don't know what they meant, but I trusted them. They loved her almost as much as Jake and I loved her. 

I was going through my phone until I saw this:

I felt at ease knowing Marli was going to be in safe hands

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I felt at ease knowing Marli was going to be in safe hands. 

Marli's POV

I don't want to do anything right now, I want to sit down and watch Vampire Diaries. 

I invite Harvey over, because he makes amazing smoothies. 

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