I woke up around 3:00 AM cuddled up to Mikey. Oh gosh. I quietly moved out of his bed and went to go sleep in my room.
I went over to Mia's room. "I literally didn't see you all day yesterday." I said. "I know! So what happened?" "Uhm, I hung out with this girl Bailey and I hung out with Mikey." "Hold up. You hung out with Mikey?!" "I know! And he was actually nice to me for once." "Wow. I was worried that y'all were going to rip each other's heads off." "Nah." We all went to their church and went to eat at this restaurant afterward. "So how did you like your first week in Italy?" The dad asked. "I've really enjoyed it." I said and then smiled. I got a text from Lucas. "Hey. Wyd?" "I'm eating at this restaurant with my family." "My friends and I are gonna go to the beach later today if you wanna come." "I would love too! Let me just ask my housing parents."
"Is it alright if I go to the beach with some friends later today?" I asked my housing parents. "It's fine. What's your friend's name?" "Lucas." Mikey almost choked on his water. "Are you ok Mikey?" I asked. "Yeah. I have this weird gag reflex whenever I hear his name." I rolled my eyes. "My housing parents said I can go." I texted him. "Great! Make sure to bring a bathing suit 😉" I rolled my eyes at his fboy comment. "I will." Whenever we went back home, I changed into a bikini with denim shorts and a sheer tank top over.
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I heard a knock on my door and immediately opened to find Lucas. I gave him a hug and he led me to his oldest brothers car. "This is my older brother Matteo, and my friends Gabriel and Lorenzo." He said motioning towards them. "Hi." I said. "You didn't tell me that I was going to be the only girl." I whispered in his ear. "It fine. They're cool." He said and then gave me a reassuring smile. "So you're from America right?" Gabriel asked. "Yep." "Can I ask you a question?" He said and then turned in my direction. "Are girls in America prettier then girls in Italy?" He asked. I paused for a moment processing his question. "Uh I'm not sure." I said awkwardly. The rest of the car ride was really awkward and a little bit uncomfortable. Lucas's friends kept on asking me weird questions.
Once we finally got to the beach, I took my shorts and top off which left me in just my bikini. "Dam Natalia." Lucas said and then licked my lips. We all built sand castles and I played volleyball with Lucas. I was on my schools Volleyball team whenever I lived in America so I was very good at the game. "I have a proposition. If I win this game, then you have to do anything I tell you. If you win, then I have to do anything I tell you." He said. "Ugghhh Fine." He served the volleyball and I missed it by barely an inch. "Dang it!" I yelled. "What does dang it mean?" He said and then laughed. "Nothing. Now tell me what you want me to do." I said and then folded my arms. "You have to go skinny dipping." "What?! No way!" "You have to do it." I looked around. There was just us and his friends were on the other side of the beach but I was still scared that someone might see me. "You better not tell anyone I'm doing this!" I said and then went into the water. I untied the top of my bikini and pulled my bottoms down. "It's cold as balls in here!" I yelled. He laughed. "Now give me back my swimsuit!" I yelled. "You're gonna have to come get it." "Lucas!I swear!!" "It's just us! Now come on!" He said and then yelled. I tried my best to cover up my boobs and private part as I quickly walked towards him. As I bent over to put my swim trunks on, he slapped my butt. "Stop!" I said and then jokingly pushed him off of me. "Do you wanna go and sit in my brothers car?" He asked. "Sure." Lucas got his brother's keys and we sat in his car and listened to some music. "I don't normally tell girls this, but I think you're really pretty." He said. "Thanks." I said and the brushed my hair behind my ear. He leaned in and kissed my lips and we started to make out. Before we could do anything else, we saw his 2 friends coming back to the car so we immediately hopped off of each other. "What were you guys doing in here?" Lorenzo asked. "Just listening to music." "Oh ok." They said. The rest of the car ride was really quiet but Mikey and I texted each other while riding.
Mikey "You should sleep over tonight." Me "I don't think I can." "Why?" "My housing parents won't let me 🤷🏽♀️" I didn't feel comfortable telling him that we just met and I didn't really know him well enough to sleep with him.
Once I got back home, I cooked myself some dinner and watched tv with Mia. "How'd your date go?" She asked. "It went pretty well. He asked me to sleep over but I told him no." "You're so lucky. I know girls that would kill for your position." "Where's Mikey?" I asked. "He's at his friends house. Why do you suddenly care?" "No reason." I said.