Prologue (Remade)

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(I Am not the owner of Rwby, Rooster teeth is so check them out(I have no idea why I wrote this since almost all of you already seen Rwby))
???'s POV
My name is Y/n Fall, Younger brother to Cinder Fall. I was helping her henchman: Roman Torchwick repair a Bullhead.

Roman:"Alright Speedy, give me a wrench so I can finish this bucket of bolts." I grabbed a wrench and handed it to him as he finished the Bullhead.

Roman:"Alright, What a beauty this is, and accomplished all by myself!"

Y/n:"Hey, I helped as well."

Roman:"Indeed you did, now, shouldn't you be off being beaten right now?" I grab my staff as Roman gripped his cane as we were ready to fight until a fireball splits us as we both looked at the Assailant which was my sister, Cinder Fall:

Roman:"Indeed you did, now, shouldn't you be off being beaten right now?" I grab my staff as Roman gripped his cane as we were ready to fight until a fireball splits us as we both looked at the Assailant which was my sister, Cinder Fall:

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Y/n:"Oh, hello sis, you're kinda interrupting our fight here."

Cinder:"What did I say about fighting?" I sigh at her before putting my staff away as Roman softly gripped his cane before walking away. I started to walking away until Cinder stopped me.

Cinder:"Now where are you going young man?" She gripped my collar as I glared at her.

Cinder:"This is the fourth time this month Y/n. I expected better from you." She turned around walked away along with her personal henchmen: Mercury and Emerald. I got up and wiped myself off before heading to my room. I got inside and looked at a picture of Me and Cinder, smiling happily before her... now Cinder has become much harder on me and has almost become neglectful but I can't exactly run away, where would I go? She'll drag me back and kill me. Yes, my sister will kill me, messed up I know. I put down the picture before tweaking something up which was a gun from the henchmen, I took it apart and put it back together, rinse and repeat. I decided to leave it undone and walked outside my room and bumped into my sister.

Cinder:"Y/n, you should watch where you're going, but good thing since I have something for you." She pulled out a list... what the?

Cinder:"I need you to buy some groceries for us, effective immediately." She walked away and threw the list at me as I picked it up before walking to the exit of the base and heading to town.
Timeskip Brought to you by Y/n standing on his staff.
I paid the groceries as I head outside until I saw three men beating up a kid around my age.

Y/n:"Hey! Stop!" I dropped my groceries and walked towards them as they looked at me.

Criminal 1:"Look at this wannabe hero, here to save the day. Go home kid, or else." They pulled out a knife, a gun and one just used his fist as I pulled out my staff as blades retracted out of each end as I smirk. I used my Semblance to speed towards and  stab one criminal before slashing another by spinning around my staff at him before stabbing him in the chest and stabbing the other guy in the leg. I separated my staff as the criminal tried to crawl away as I ran up to him and stabbed him in the back. I put my staff back together and sheath it as I look at the boy who was defensive and pulled out a sword.

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