The First Step

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Outside POV
You woke up with weight on your Body and you Violet on you.
Y/n:"Um Violet, Get up off of me" She wakes up with Drowsy eyes but they soon as she Gets up and gets away from you, Blushing in embarrassment
Violet:"Sorry" You get up from the ground and Wrap your Sleeping bag up and put in in your Luggage,You grab your Luggage and walk towards the Bathroom with Violet following soon behind.You walk into the Men's Bathroom while Violet walked into the Women's,You brush your Teeth and Change into your Clothes

You walk into the Men's Bathroom while Violet walked into the Women's,You brush your Teeth and Change into your Clothes

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Any Color and you have the Hood on
You walk into the Locker room and goes to your Locker and Grabs your Staff:

You also grabbed something from your Luggage,A Hidden blade you can say or Blades,You grab a Wrench and tweak some Nails around and Finally finish your New weapons:

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You also grabbed something from your Luggage,A Hidden blade you can say or Blades,You grab a Wrench and tweak some Nails around and Finally finish your New weapons:

You also grabbed something from your Luggage,A Hidden blade you can say or Blades,You grab a Wrench and tweak some Nails around and Finally finish your New weapons:

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There's a Handle so You can Extend it into a Katana At will And it can shoot too

You can use this also as a Hidden blade and turn this into a Katana and Shoot tooYou slip them on and gets a Feel of themF/n:"So you finished your Blades?" You jump a little as you turn around and See F/n with His Cloak and Mask onY/n:"Don't do th...

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You can use this also as a Hidden blade and turn this into a Katana and Shoot too
You slip them on and gets a Feel of them
F/n:"So you finished your Blades?" You jump a little as you turn around and See F/n with His Cloak and Mask on
Y/n:"Don't do that!"He chuckles a Little then the Speaker came on
Glynda:'Would All First year Students please Report to Beacon Cliff for Initiation?Again,All first year Students report to Beacon Cliff immediately'You and F/n quickly Go over towards the Cliffside while running past Ruby helping Jaune towards the Cliffside
Timeskip brought to you by me Watching every Rwby episode Bit by bit to Tell you the Dialogue and Battle form
You were standing on Platforms,Waiting for something to happen
Ozpin:"For Years you have Trained to become Warriors and Today,your Abilities will be Evaluated in the Emerald Forest.
Glynda:"Now,I'm sure many of you have heard Rumors about the Assignment of Teams.Well,allow us to put a End to your Confusion.Each of you will be given Teammates...Today"You heard Ruby make a Scared noise
Ozpin:"These Teammates will be with you for the rest of your Time at Beacon.So it is in your best Interest to be Paired with someone with whom you can work well."Ruby makes another Scared noise
Ozpin:"That bring said,The first person you make Eye contact with after Landing will be your Partner for the Next 4 Years"You Then hear Ruby scream
Ruby:"What?!?"You Then hear a Ginger haired girl with a Hammer
Ginger:"See?I told you!"
Ozpin:"After you've partnered up,Make your way to the Northern end of the Forest.You will meet Opposition along the way.Do not Hesitate to destroy everything in your path,Or you will die,You'll be monitored and Graded for the Duration of your Initiation.But our Instructors will not Intervene.You will find an Abandoned temple at the end of the Path containing several Relics,Each pair much choose 1,and Return to the top of the Cliff,We will regard that Item,As well as your Standing,And Grade You Appropriately.Are There any Questions?"Jaune then Raised his hand
Jaune:"Yeah,um Sir-"Ozpin just ignored him
Ozpin:"Good!Now,Take your Positions"
Jaune:"Uh,sir?I've got a Ques-"You didn't hear him because you get Catapulted into the Forest.You smile as you Feel the air Flowing through your Hair,You go downwards and Pull our You Hidden Katana and Stab a Tree while going down the Tree
Y/n:"Another happy Landing"You Then remembered Kuma
Y/n:"Oh god,Diana is going to Freak"You Then hear a Growl as you see 3 Beowulves go up to you,You grab your staff and Detach it as Blades stick out of a End of the Staff(Just like the Picture)One Lunges At you But you duck and Stab it's stomach,It falls next to you and you Stab it's head,But you were Unaware that Another Lunged At you,You turned and braced yourself as you didn't have time to Stab it.The Beowulf was Knocked into a Tree,Dead from Impact by Someone.They looked up and it Was F/n,F/n then Shot the other with his Sword m/Gun.It falls over as all 3 of them turn to Ashes
F/n:"So,I guess we're Partners?"
F/n:"Sweet,Anyways We should be Heading towards the Temple"You just Nod as you both Run towards the Temple
You were Almost near the Temple until we saw a Ursa getting Thrown in our Direction
F/n:"Hey Watch it!"
Y/n:"Wait,Show yourself"Two figures walked out of the Shadows and Revealed Violet and Diana
F/n:"Oh,Wait so we're all a Team now?"
Violet:"Then let's head to the Temple a Grab our Relic!"She said as she Ran forwards
Diana:"Wait Do you know where you're going?!"Violet stopped in her track
Violet:"Right,So Y/n,where do we go?"
Y/n:"Me? Why me? I'm far from Leadership here"
Diana:"But you're the only one that even Studied it so lead us Proud Leader"You facepalm but decides to lead them Towards the Temple,Unknown of What Friends you will make this Year.

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