Rose Family Reunion

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Ace's POV
I was walking towards Team RWBY's dorm quite nervously. I knocked on the door as it opened to reveal an annoyed Schnee.

Weiss:"What do you want?"

Ace:"Is Ruby or Yang here?" She rolled her eyes

Weiss:"The dolt probably went off to steal some cookies in the cafeteria along with her sister."

Ace:"Thanks" She rolled her eyes before closing the door as I made my way to the Cafeteria
Timeskip brought to you by Ace and Ruby having a Scythe battle
I walked into the Cafeteria and saw Ruby eating some cookies with milk while Yang just sat there and watched Ruby. I walked over to them.

Ace:"Hey there." Yang looked up and looked at me.

Yang:"Umm... Hey, I have a few questions for you."

Ace:"Ask away." Yang coughed into her hand.

Yang:"Where were you born."

Ace:"Pa-" Ruby interrupted

Ruby:"Yang, you can't ask someone where they were born like that!"

Ace:"Calm down Little Red Riding Hood, I'm sure you don't remember me, but I'm sure Yang does." I pulled out something from my back pocket which was a dagger with a yellow tag on the handle saying "Xiao Long" Yang eyes widened before she grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.

Yang:"It has been so long, I've missed you." Ruby was starting to think on who was I and tried remembering.

Ruby:"Yang, what are you doing? Why are you hugging Ace?" Yang stopped and and turned towards Ruby.

Yang:"Remember the Forest attack, the one where Uncle Qrow saved us." Ruby nodded her head.

Yang:"Well, I said when we were older that we lost someone very dear, our brother."

Ruby:"Wait, are you telling me Ace is our brother!?" I shushed her.

Ace:" Quiet. I think we should talk in private and not shout out."

Yang:"Let's go to our room, I'm sure Weiss and Blake will understand."
Timeskip Brought to you by Weiss and Ruby arguing
When we reached the room and Ruby and Yang explained what's happening, Weiss begrugently left along with Blake before we all walked inside.

Yang:"Alright, final confirmation. Take your mask off." I was slightly shocked and scared


Yang:"But wa-"

Ace:"Sorry but never gonna happen."

Yang:"Ace ple-"

Ace:"my answer is final Yang."

Yang:"I am your Sister Ace, you can show me!"

Ace:" It has been 12 years since we've seen each other! We haven't been together for a long time!"

Yang:"Please Ace, just let me see."

Ace:"No, Final verdict."

Yang:"Please Ace, for me, for Ruby, for Dad..." I sighed and looked away before pressing two buttons on the front and getting his helmet off. It revealed a male version of ruby only with yellow tips, Lilac eyes and three claw marks streched from one side to the bottom.

Ace:"There, now you've seen it..." Yang went up and hugged Ace

Yang:"Don't sorry Ace, I won't leave you, now tell me where have you been for the last 12 years."

Ace:"Well, after the attack, I was sent flying over near some trees. One of the Beowulves was about to strike me until this man with red hair came and helped me. Then he took me to their village where they healed me. Then I was adopted into the village, I learned some Motorcycling from one of the villagers, I met new friends. Then a couple of years after that, I was helping out when 4 new members arrived... And I met someone that I cared about..."

Yang:"Ohh, Ace has a girlfriend~" I punched her arm

Ace:"Shut up, anyways. Maybe 2 years later, she made me this helmet by my request but her quote still sticks with me. 'You shouldn't be ashamed of your scars, they're proof that you survived." I smile a bit before sighing

Ace:"Then one of the girls, Russia in case you want to know the name, planned a secret takedown from within, killing the elders and my friends and... Well the whole village was in shambles, there were few survivors and a gang or tribe soon came after. I saw this Komodo lady and a group of theivescavenge the ruins of the village. The remaining Villagers escaped but I was trapped, watching as my love died, and gutted like a fish. After that, I quickly found a way to escape the wreckage and found one of my old friend's motorcycle and took off. Then with nothing really left to do, I enrolled into becoming a Huntsman which wasn't very easy. I had to prove my skills in combatting Grimm as well as learning about them and now I'm here." Ruby was a little sad

Ruby:"Well don't worry Ace. You have us, don't feel like you can't take this on alone." She smiled sweetly, kinda like Mom.

Ace:"Thanks Ruby, so tell me about what happened while I was gone Yang."

Yang:"Well, it's a long story."

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