Operation: Dust Retreval

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Violet's POV
My mom was standing there just standing there on the Bullhead.

Violet:"Mom! What are you doing here!" She smiled sweetly

???:"I'm here to help you on your mission, My name is Wilma Afton, call me Wilma or Mrs. Afton.

Violet:"Alright then, where will we be going?"

Wilma:"We'll be hunting down a White Fang hideout, they have taken a large assortment of dust and we're going to take it back."

F/n:"That sounds so simple than what's actually going to happen."

Wilma:"Don't be so pessimistic! And now we're off!" I looked back and saw the bay door close as we rise up off the ground while we take our seats.

Wilma:"Seatbelts ever-"

Violet:"No Ms. Frizzle today, Mom!" Wilma sighed as we fly towards our destination
Timeskip Brought to you by Wilma holding Baby Violet
The Bullhead touched down into a clearing as we hopped off as it parked back down.

Wilma:"Follow me, we'll find it soon." We walked into the forest as the grass and branches crunched underneath our feet. We looked around to see anything out of site, any secret buttons, people and what not. We passed the forest and saw some sort of warehouse. I grabbed a Binocular from F/n's bag but felt only fur... I pulled it out and saw Kuma? She snuggled up to me as we all look at F/n who just shrugged. Seems like Kuma wasn't gonna stay with Ozpin and decided to come with us. Wilma however was a bit on the defensive side as she pointed the sharp end of her flute at Kuma.

Violet:"Hold on Mom! This is our pet!"

Wilma:"How!? Grimm are vicious, they'll kill without hes-" Kuma looked at Wilma and tilted her head.

Wilma:"-itation they ar-" Kuma looks at her even more until Wilma breaks down and holds Kuma.

Wilma:"My god you are cute! I want to hug you forever!" She hugged Kuma and had the face of a child who just got their favorite toy. She handed Kuma to F/n and cleared her throat and got serious.

Wilma:"we'll have to sneak inside and take out the guards, then we'll push the dust to the extraction point. Simple really." She jumped and slid down the mud on the mountain as we followed her down. We landed at the bottom and crouch walked our way to the factory. We saw guards positioned everywhere while search lights shined dark areas.

Y/n:"Do we know the lay out of the place?

Wilma:" We do, we just need to know how many guards there are and where they're stationed." I saw F/n grab Kuma and sat her down before strapping a Stop Pro onto her head.

F/n:"Alright Kuma, scout, don't attack, just look around but stay hidden, Alright?" Kuma's eyes flowed a little which was very strange. But she ran off and towards a hole in the fence. We waited for about 10 minutes as she came running back towards us as F/n grabbed the Stop Pro from her and looked at the footage.
Timeskip Brought to you by Violet eating Breakfast as mayhem reeks behind her
We were all in position as Wilma's voice came over the coms

Wilma:"You ready?"

Violet:"We are all in position."

Wilma:"Then it's a go!" I jumped onto a building from the mountain and took down a White Fang before rushing towards another and knocking him out. I quickly drop down onto the ground to find the dust crates. I run into a storage room and looked around to see a whole load of containers. I sped around and checked every single one to find Weapons, dust and now the final one. One lone container on the highest level. I opened it and saw people in chains, both Human and Faunus cowering in the Container. I started to walk forward until I heard heels hit the metal floor I'm standing on as I turned around and narrowly dodged two fire balls until I heard the screams of the People that were in the crates.

Y/n:"No!" I look at the person that did it and saw my own sister: Cinder

Cinder:"Oh, I'm so sorry about that... oh wait, I'm not..."

Y/n:"So you're here."

Cinder:"Why of course I am Y/n, why wouldn't I see my little brother again. After all this time, looking at what you've been becoming, a Huntsman; A protecter of Remnant and for what? A pat on the back for protecting us against threats that are gonna keep on coming, remembered as a martyr?"

Y/n:"And what would you be remembered as? A ruthless criminal who had nobody there for them?" We just stood there as I unsheathed my weapon while she grabbed her bow.

Y/n:"So this is how it is huh?" Gun fire was heard all around us, don't know how to be sneaky do you guys.

Cinder:"Your friends are in danger Y/n. We will storm in and capture you." I got into position with my staff as she pulled back an arrow. I made the first move as I jabbed at her with the end of my staff as she moved back and shot as I deflect it upwards with my staff and slid down to trip her which she jumped over and shot at me which knocked me forward and onto the ground. I detach my staff and went in for two strikes which she blocked with her bow as she kicked me in the ribs with her heel which stabbed me as I stumble back. I felt the stab wound.

Cinder:"After all these years, you still can't beat me." I saw her pull back her bow then shoots it. I threw my baton and hoped it hit the arrow as I heard two clangs. I quickly rush towards her and use my other baton and hit her across the face which sent her down. I grab my other baton before speeding out of there with my Semblance. I managed to get outside as I saw White Fang guards on the floor and the others struggling as the White Fang were attacking them. I sped towards them and pushed some out of the way.

Y/n:"F/n, Diana! Get everyone out of here!" Diana opened her portal while F/n touched the wall and waited for Wilma to get inside as F/n, Wilma, and Violet were whooshed away. I used my Semblance and combined by batons and spun it really fast as it blocked all the shots with some passing through and hitting me. Diana pulled me in her portal as a spear just hit the ground where I was at before we were all in the Bullhead.

Wilma:"That could of gone better."

Violet:"Mission Failed... great."

Y/n:"Let's just get back to Beacon."

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