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Outside POV
You watch as Jaune and Cardin square off in a Battle with Jaune being pretty Tired Out While Cardin just laughing at Him,Jaune charges at him and swings his Sword But Cardin dodges It And Hits Jaune  away,He gets up and Charged Cardin But he blocks his Sword with his Mace and seemed to be overwhelming as he kicks his Balls which knocked Jaune down and towered over Jaune and was ready to hit him with his Mace until a Buzzer ringed
Glynda:"Cardin,That's Enough"She walks onto the stage with Jaune on the Ground
Glynda:"Students,as you can see Mr Arc's Aura has now dropped into the Red.In a tournament style duel,This would Indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for Battle and that the Official may call the Match.Mr Arc,It's been weeks now,Please try to refer to your Scroll during Combat,Gauging your Aura will help you decide when it is appropriate to attack or when it better to move to a More...Defensive strategy.We wouldn't want you to get gobbled up by a Beowolf now Would we?"Cardin muttered something but you couldn't hear it that much
Glynda:"Remember Everyone,The Vytal festival is only a few Months away,It won't be long before Students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale,so keep Practicing!Those Who choose to compete in the Combat tournament will be Representing all of Vale"The bell rings,Signaling That It was time to go,You get up and start walking to Lunch until you heard someone running towards you
???:"Give me back my Book!"You See a Black haired girl with a Book in her hand running from a guy with Brownish Blackish hair,You grab the book from the girl and gives it to the Boy
???:"You're no Fun Isaac!"
Isaac:"Hey You were the one who stole my Book,Madi"
Y/n:"Anyways,Hi there,I'm Y/n and this is my Team:F/n,Violet,and Diana"ADE waved at the Two
Isaac:"Oh,Well my name is Isaac,Isaac Gab and this rascal here is Madison Gab,my sister, Now my other two team Members are just around here"And just on Cue,Two More Girls came running right over over here
Isaac:"Oh and these are also my Teammates:Oana Deadstone And Amanda Hailey and Together we make Team Insomnia[IOMA]"
Y/n:"Oh well want to sit with us at Lunch?"
Isaac:"Sure,If it's fine with them?"They just nod
At Lunch and After introducing team IOMA
Nora:"There we were...in the of the Night"
Ren:"It was day
Nora:"We we're Surrounded by Ursai"
Ren:"They were Beowolves"Nora stood up and Yelled
Ren:"Two of'em..."
Nora:"But They were no match and in the End,Ren and I Took them down and made a Boatload of Lien selling Ursa Skin rugs"
Ren:"Ah...She's been having this Reoccurring Dream for nearly a Month now"
Pyrrha:"Jaune? Are you ok?"
Jaune:"Uh? Oh,Yeah! Why?"
Ace:"It's just that well you seem a Little off today"
Jaune:"Eh,Guys I'm Fine...Seriously,Look!"He nervously Laughs it off,Then All of you hear mocking,All of you look at the direction of the Noise and sees Cardin and his Team Bullying or Mocking a Bunny Faunus
Pyrrha:"Jaune,Cardin's Been picking on you since the first week at School"
Jaune:"Who? Cardin Winchester? Nah...He likes to mess around,You know?Practical jokes!"
Ace and Rose:"He's a Bully,Jinx!"
Jaune:"Oh Please...Name one time He's 'Bullied' Me"Then They proceed to list the things Cardin done
Jaune:"I didn't land far from the School"
Yusuf:"Jaune,You Do know that you can call for help whenever you need it"
Nora:"Ohhh!"She stands up
Nora:"We'll break his Legs!"
Isaac:"I like her Style"he said putting Down his Book
Jaune:"Guys,It's fine,Besides,It's not like he's a only a Jerk to me;He's a Jerk To Everyone"
???:"Ow that Hurts!"RWBY JNPR FADE ABYS,And ISOM looked at Cardin pulling on the Bunny Faunus ears
Bunny:"Please Stop..."
Cardin:"I told you they were Real"
Russel:"What a Freak"Then a Book snapped Shut at Isaac shut his book and Snapped his Fingers as the Book disappeared,He was about to get up But sat down again as he Sigh,Cardin let go of the Bunny Faunus ears as she Walked away
Violet:"He must be desperate for attention"

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